Ritual Mafia - (Game has been rerolled in a new thread)


htm/maxi/wolfy/??? (possibly margaret) then?

And if i cant change your mind by threatening to use pointless abillities at least listen to this



Kill them both

If you have double results, give it at least to Hippo and I would have use for them too, but just give it to your towniest read.

lmao your result clears me and yet you want me killed
what the hell


That doesn’t indicate this not being scum!Icibalus at all considering all scum classes can visit.


Okay so orange wasn’t in the game but i’m getting pushed for that and it’s honestly fucking stupid

also i think I won’t join any games solic is in for shit meta reading

Then, what Heretic class DO you think I am, Vulgard?

Possibly Sorcerer

Considering Marl claimed he’d block htm and htm is scum

Listening to memesky is like bashing your skull against a rock

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I see through your lies dont underestimate me


scum classes dont know about visit prevention though
only investigatives

Solic at least is making a logical attempt to analyze this game and he has replaced you in our townbloc
now go sit on the corner

Seer does.


you’re wrong

you’re tunneling me because i called you out on your terrible bait early in the game

Though why Seer would even check Marl is beyond me

i mean

i haven’t read like 2k messages so /shrug

k bye