Ritual Mafia IV -- Dead Chat

… That’s a modrevealed bypassing tailor cop.
No thank you.

okay should you be aware that this is literally just a day version of diviner’s night cop

it probably only modreveals because OH

And it also kills the cop

also diviner’s abilities can’t be channeled so once they’re dead they’re fucking dead

I have a better idea for diviner ritual that isn’t horrible at all

Day Motion Detector :wink:

i sure love omnimiller cop that can’t even find half the scum, 2/3 of its abilities cost its fucking life AND are one shot, both of which are extremely weak, and yes


The Diviner

Congregation Social
Undercover (Passive) - You will appear to visit whoever the heretics attack each night to the oracle’s “Clairvoyance”.
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Truth (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select a player. The court will be told if said player is a member of the Heretics (Traitors will always appear “not suspicious”).
Divination (Night) - Cause the player’s ritual vote to be obsolete. - Infinite uses
Change of Faith (Night) - Publically reveal a player to have double ritual votes tomorrow. This will kill you after the ritual phase. - 1 use.

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

I’m unsure of Change of Faith but Divination seems balanced

so basically just a free fakeclaim for lamb

Ah yes
Seppuku for doubling ritual votes

it’s not even permanent
this is just a ritual of leadership turned into sacrifice votes

Actually I thought I had a solution with the ability but I realised it’s still a problem.

The Diviner

Congregation Social
Undercover (Passive) - You will appear to visit whoever the heretics attack each night to the oracle’s “Clairvoyance”.
Ritual of Leadership (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, a player of your choice will have two votes for the rest of the day.
Ritual of Truth (Ritual) - If you are sacrificed, select a player. The court will be told if said player is a member of the Heretics (Traitors will always appear “not suspicious”).
Divination (Night) - Check if a player is part of the Heretics. Traitors appear not suspicious. Unlimited uses
Change of Faith (Night) - Target a player. The next time they are ritualed it will fail. Your ritual abilities are permanantly disabled. - 1 use

Goal: Defeat the Heretics.

Other rework ideas are welcomed

So I can still occ someone because medium

Do you guys have any clue who I should block


you should block braixen

shush scum

nah, don’t feel like it

/distract marshal