Rollback to patch v1.0.13

Throne of lies patch v1.0.13 was truly the most fun and enjoyable patch the game had. I don’t know what happened, but there seems to be a new patch every day with a bunch of changes and bugs that warp the state of the game (some of the bugs carry over!). There has been around 40 patches since then and it gets frustrating when I have to re-learn the game or explain the changes all the time. People get confused and a lot of executions these days are based on misinformation and misunderstanding.

Why are mercenaries converted when they stand guard now? Why was the double heal message removed? Why does one physician get a heal message and the 2nd physician gets a “Did not require” message if they went on the same target? If two drunks/butlers go on the same target, why does one of their actions go through while the other gets occupy immune messages? Why is the court wizard still bad? Why does the inquisitor get to win most of their matches by going AFK? How was the king’s allies ability toxic to the game when it promoted discussion and pushed the games forward? Why does the sorcerer get nerfed when the possessor is clearly stronger? Why is there no test server to test changes before they go live?

I have many questions and thoughts about the games direction, but I’d like to go back to a simpler patch like v1.0.13 when the game worked well.

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It killed early game and lead to sheeping. Also the Exe king D4 if no info meta

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Because they always could be. Night Immunity is not conversation Immunity.

It made healers too confirmable

They don’t. They both get the message that they healed someone.

Butler’s will get the same message regardless of other drunks and Butlers. Drunks redirecting people sometimes might be inconsistent due to the fact that you can only target 1 person at a time usually.

Because we are still coming up with a good buff.

Magic dust combined with compitent Investigators.

Because it had the opposite effect due to king being a conversation stopper with his check.

She was buffed too.

There is. You just aren’t invited to it.

To answer the drunk one it depends on where on the player list they are lets say 1 and that 10 are drunks 1 would get to the person first and deb them second its to balance the game out reason king was changed is to stop the king leads meta people relied to much on the king

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Throne of Lies has been moving forward. Why revert that? For example the King changes have made the game better, and that’s one example. The changes are for the better.


In general, I’m with NightX.

Even if not every change is perfect, and there are the occasional few that have really bugged me, in general the game is making progress.

Ok but that still doesn’t make sense. Drunk A and Drunk B both target the same player. Drunk A succeeded and Drunk B somehow fails. Why did Drunk A succeed and Drunk B fail? Why didn’t Drunk B succeed instead? Where did this magical priority come into play?

This is just going to lead to false information every time. Drunk B now thinks someone is occupy immune who isn’t actually occupy immune, or Drunk B dies on the spot for having incorrect logs (“Hold on guys, I’m not occupy immune! This isn’t the Drunk! Execute this!”)

How does Magic dust explain how easy and AFK an Inquisitor is to play?

I’d be interested to see the data on the win rate for an Inquisitor. I rarely see an Inquisitor lose and I would also agree that it is an almost guaranteed victory playing that role. Sorcerer can only find you if you are outed or out yourself. Sorcerer has no way to determine who Inquisitor is alone yet Inquisitor has an infinite investigative ability in narrowing down the Sorcerer.

And if the game is a Cult game it’s even easier to pull the trigger. All the Cult are magic!

Well I’ve seen some games when both inquis and sorc lost, and few games when the sorc won.

To clarify, just because a patch is uploaded doesn’t mean it’s used – it could be a test, a dupe, or even another platform (3 patches on this = 1 pc, 1 mac, 1 linux on the same version). Some are also simple hotfixes that just fix a few bugs (there are countless combinations, so it’s very difficult to test every combo).

Hmm, we’ve always patched like this – because we have patched so many bugs since launch, that’s a big reason we even got to the 0.13 state so fast ~

We only launched several months ago – and as we get more people, get we get more feedback and big data. As we take a look at what people want, what works, what doesn’t work - we have to evolve. The universal 80/20 rule is that 80% should be happy with our updates, but there will always be 20% that is unhappy. While we try to please everyone and deeply consider changes that may affect multiple people, we can’t always instantly have this happen.

For example, if no one likes the latest changes, we need to wait for feedback to flow in then we can change it. If people like the changes, we keep it.

Much like if you dove in front of a fireball

Priority order – I don’t code this part, so I’m just guessing, but it’s likely just an automated response that’s pending being considered (back to the unlimited combinations combo above – this is likely a fallback situation until we can properly code this in. Be sure this was posted in #bug-reports ).

^ See above with the Merc.

^ See above with the Merc.

Similar to Hearthstone, Heroes, or any game with rules, gotta either read those patch notes or learn the hard way (and some people are okay with learning the hard way). We wish there was an easier way to explain this – if you have suggestions, please post a new thread here in #feedback

Many would argue he’s awesome. Perhaps not the most entertaining, but his potential is huge.

This is just a meta – you should post this separately so we’re aware of this. Remember all the other boring metas we’ve fixed?

Hmm, I’m not sure many would agree with this one. This is back to that 80/20 thing.

We do not have the resources to balance everything in one day (you argued that we shouldn’t make changes so fast, after all) :stuck_out_tongue: but pretty sure they’re both fairly balanced now!

We have one :slight_smile: it’s invitation-only, however, mostly reserved for veterans of alpha/beta, guides, backers, etc. These guys have 1000s of games under their belt.

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Backers? What do you mean by that and rip wish i could join the test servers

I don’t get what this is supposed to mean.

i think that he means that the one in front would be harmed , while the other wouldnt

What does that have to do with Merc?

i know with the other situations , buit have no idea what that has to do with merc

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