[RP] So it Seems {SignUps}

So example

Gary is a Grenadier, and he holds his trusty toolbox with him at all times. Rustic messy brown hair, with an oft-smug face… blah blah blah

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Its kinda a weak example but I dont need it to be too detailed

But if you want we could go full:

This orange and black toolbox, bright red handles with a zen icon on its front side, contains…



Oi! I’m the best sniper here.

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Character Name: Alexander Shepherd

Role: Field Medic

Gender: Male
Height: 5’5 inches, 167.64 centimeters
Weight: 146.8 pounds, 66.59 kilograms
Appearance: With a black cloth covering his entire head and neck except for his dark brown eyes, Alexander wears an olive drab helmet and uniform with the Seventh Squadron’s emblem on the left shoulder, and the Red Cross on the right shoulder. He stores his medical kit on the right side of his waist, along with other munitions on his left side. He finally carries an olive drab wool blanket sashed around his left shoulder and his right hip, and a black sling for his firearm when he needs both hands.
Firearm of choice: Semi-Automatic rifle
Backstory: With a militaristic bloodline, Alexander originally wanted to be something other than a soldier, like his father was. His mother was a doctor, so he worked with her in her office, ranging from either just getting tools, to later years, where he would preform operations under her supervision. After some years working, he moved out of his family’s home, and started to look for open jobs in hospitals. Though, with war breaking out, and him being 19 years old, it was obvious where he would be employed. After receiving the letter binding him to the military’s will, he knew there was no other path. And so, he finally accepted his destiny, and bid farewell to his family, who seemed happy he was continuing the tradition of serving his nation, but they also worried for his safety. He could tell they were nervous about him leaving, so he promised that he would be returned home, no matter what happens.



@SHURIAN Can start now?

Ooh hey Magnus!
It’s 3rd December Morning here

What did I say you little impatient imp
Now before I call you maggie

Words cannot describe my happiness when I read this


You said you’d do something today.
So do it!

I had plans
Im not so sure I wanna reveal that now lol
Be patient young one

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just annouce me as infantry

You are sniper and magnus is medic



I don’t have Patience in my Soul.

Too bad you gonna have to wait


patience is a virtue young padawan
i have learnt it with shu shu as our timezones are 10+ hours apart

ok boomer


Staying up till 4 am was fun tho XD

I know you are, but what am I?

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i have stayed up til 1 am to do shit for his rp
it was worth it