[RP] So it Seems {SignUps}

this isnt bloody grade school


clash online was hell for me and you

stats are fun and make me want to shoot myself

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No stats.
Unless discourse allows bots, its gonna stay that way.

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In fact if clash online had no stat system
Fuck yes it’ll still be running

clash online was super fun
captured the feel of mmo grinding very well


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when do you go into the army?

March~June next yr

aw :frowning:
serve for a year?

2 years
Hey, I’ll be fit for once

dont get shot

Unless there’s war, he won’t be.

do i need a /s every time i say something

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I should be more careful around vehicles tbh
No ones gonna shoot me on purpose

that makes me feel better
expect me to be the worried mother until your time is up

:smile: = Shurian
:thinking: = Me

:smile: :gun: :thinking:

chill, you dont need to be so impatient

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I don’t think Patience and I are even on speaking terms.