[RP] So it Seems {SignUps}

Lets take a step back

When I meant start, it is where your character will be.
Your character has been called to camp.
You can be at home, you can be on the way to camp, OR you can already be signed in and be inside the camp already.

That’s pretty elementary stuff.
Maybe it’s because I have already at the very least written stories before and started on a way higher level than others, but then this type of thinking should be present in anyone above 13 years old no?

(So how about in a truck with other recruits on the way?)

That works. As I say, anything goes

Magnus was sitting in the back of the military truck, clenching his fingers. He was looking down, ignoring the other recruits.

Wrong thread

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Find the best writing style that suits you and go from there.

For me, that involves writing detail to the very extremes. I find doing so relaxes me tremendously.

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i do 1-2 liners to keep the flow of conversation going

The 1~2liners are the speech for me.
I never do anything that much when it comes to speech, unless its a ramble. I find it far more easier to portray body language.

~2000 word speech

Oh as a GM I’ll just skip the middle and only focus on the point.

Too much trouble.

But if a player, let’s say in a School Setting… then yes, if doing a speech, i’ll be forced to type out a speech broken into at least 6 parts.



Thread opened!
Next reply in 7 hours
Night guys.

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I have to /out this. Reasoning: iPad smashed and can’t be on regularly enough anymore.

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/replace in

Just cr8 new character kappa

I may or may not actually follow through in response to this comment

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This is still open to people. Just DM me.

i can’t play. sorry.

Its okay! Your character will be in stasis.


Or if you dont wanna use him anymore
I’ll just use El Boris as a prop for my RP.