Ruby(and Plex[And technically Fade{also, I guess, Pete}])'s amazing Neutral Killer Key Contest: CONTEST OVER

I just said it was a bit unprofessional which is true and I wouldn’t have said anymore but you guys couldn’t handle it and started an argument :neutral_face:

Why :clap: are :clap: we :clap: doing :clap: this?

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Don’t :clap: You :clap: Know :clap: Question :clap: Mark :clap: ?

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What :clap: are :clap: we :clap: doing :clap:. :clap: Let’s :clap: stop :clap: !

here, jammy splodge, I can link you to the rules page:

see rule number 5 (I probably should myself, kek)

If I started disagreeing with you and sassily clapping in between my words in real life, it would be considered disrespectful.

I mean no disrespect to the mods in making this. We all do the wrong thing from time to time.

So tempted to take some potshots atcha, but this isn’t the time. Jammy is… unique, its her personality. Like me messing with people. That’s my personality. Also have my favorite quote, It’s the fucking internet.

RopeStringFace are you forgetting about rule 16? also she is not really doing anything disrespectful she was one of the people who made this contest and had the idea of the prizes. so really she is being super nice to everyone

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You’re not a mod, honey
So don’t try and act like one

Leave the serious business to the serious people
And Alfa


Hey! I’m a serious muffin! -pouts-


Mom looks cute when she pouts. :3

The muffin expands as it pouts!

I don’t think this is a problem that has to be addressed through reporting; it is a common courtesy and responsibility of being a mod issue. I am just recommending something, not trying to enforce the rules, so I am not back seat modding. I find the idea of me reporting her for making clap emotes ridiculous.

If you said something and I decided to tell you you were wrong by clapping between each of my words, as though you were a child, it would be considered disrespectful.

Just because someone did something nice does not excuse something they did that was bad. I am at this point less mad about the deadline and more about the sheer disrespect she showed.

Also, giving away keys for a game because there are never enough people to play with is not super nice.


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why did quote yourself?

because I felt like you missed it the first time

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Rope, she’s telling you to stop in the nicest way possible.

I was thinking bout having ago, but my brain isn’t creative enough.

The only thing I got in my head right is a signing and dancing green dog

Damn it NIIC (but you do make good songs…)

Also, I have no friends really, so is there a point of me entering?

And nicc to see you guys. This sounds like a fun comp. I hope you guys think about doing this again, and hopefully my brain will be creative

you get your class in FoL possibly

or in your case should I say “pawsibly”?

I take it no more key donations for here?

The puns are getting worse and worse…

But yeah. If there is another one in the future, then I may be tempted to have a go. Right now, I just don’t have the time to think as I have to pack for Monday

Maybe another idea for a bd or unseen member? shrug True they may have a lot of classes currently, but I think a new one would make things interesting