Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I have a lot better gamesense than you
I can tell when thread is against me
I’m straight up in the pool of people who can and are going to die.

glad we are in agreement then?

It’s not ‘over the top’!!!

I can tell when i’m about to get fucked
do you want my self meta? tangible quotes on when i’ve realized this same exact thing before (and then been mislynched)

nothing i’ve pushed you on in the past 20 minutes is enough for you to get fucked and i think you would have realized this as a villager
can u understand why i think it just looks like a wolf frustrated that they’ve been caught for the wrong reasons because you can’t view the situation objectively enough to realize that you’re being pushed for things which are certanly not life enidng

this entire arguement is dumb

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my man
history can and will repeat itself

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cut it out nerds

nothing will come of this

you might well be fucked, but not because of the perspective thing or joke thing
possibly now because of my other point, but ur good enough regardless of ur alignment to get out of it anyway

anyway, for someone who believes the balance of the game rests in their hands, you haven’t done much today to steer the game
are you that confident on pkr flipping wolf? because if he doesn’t then it’s going to be chaos especially for u tomorrow

This comes largely as a reaction to thread as a whole but channeled at you
i’ve kept composed in the face of wolfreads, especially because a lot of them are for stuff I can’t really deflect, no matter pkr’s alignemnt my treatment of him today hasn’t been great, i haven’t been accurate.

it’s clear PKR isn’t truly set in stone
hippo said he straight up wants me out

blizer and vul are both simping for hippo
and when you come in with such a dumb read I can and will fight it hardcore

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I’ve been incredibly busy and in a bad place. I’ve been trying and didn’t realize that i’d have little time the latter half of the day and am still putting all i can into it.

I’m pretty confident he flips mafia. Marl’s treatment of him is still a very bad look, and his posting doesn’t do much for me even if it is an improvement, all it shows is that he is at the very least trying to stay in the game, which has sort of bucked my initial perspective of his play but after a bit of re-looking I still think he can very easily be approaching this from a mafia angle.

I also believe he ~never escapes PoE here and is a fully necessary elimination. He dies if he goes to lylo and if i die before PKR the game is just fucked.



its 4am

I think it’s truly inane how you attack my gamesense acting like it’s looking unlikely that I die yet i’m clearly panicked about dying.

Not much has changed since your read
your one read doesn’t dictate how likely I think it is that i’m going to die.

My gamesense comes as a perspective of thread as a whole. Not your one read. You are not the thread (even if you are, like, 1/8th of it)

I can tell i’m going to have to fight for my life and the people who I think are on my side have been overall much quiter. mist, min, atlas, all aren’t really posting a ton and are generally low-impact.

I’m gonna have to go ham to live and win this game and it’s gotta all come from me. It’s not ‘overblown’. After my play d1 and how I mishandled my reads I really really want to win this game.

Marl’s already probably being a jackass in deadchat talking about how he pocketed me. Specchat is probably going all ‘LW with green rolecard xd’ on me.

I’m not gonna go out with a miselim in an embarassing fashion. It’s not happening.

now i have to go and do things
like I said, busy
i’ll be back at some point


anyone know blizer meta? mistyx case is outing or just kinda meh?

i can see where mist is getting to but im not really sold on it. + i actually believe in my read on pkr instead of simply having hippo in poe

it’s not unlikely u die
it’s unlikely u die for the reasons which i stated earlier
i don’t know if you even understand that the point of them was not to be actual reads, but to trigger a response from you (which they clearly did lmao)

i realized that i would be needing to have a one on one with you at some point because yes, you do have a very real chance of dying