Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp


Ask questions and I will give you mass responses at once, unless you care about me answering in the moment.

Poofing again.

“I think vul pushing the idea that ami’s read on eli isn’t good in the same way that atlas feels like wolves chainsawing a partner, they’re probably all w/w/w”

thanks brain

dont think you’ve escaped marshalquestions bud, there’s still some I want to ask

@Vulgard here are the two that have been bugging me the most (or, like, answer my internal questions the best, i’m leaving why im asking these intentionally vague)

  1. Can you go through every reason you have to think that my slot is town, even if it’s stupid internal stuff that you’d be embarassed to put in thread. It can be as stupid as you want (as long as it’s not, like, blatant angleshooting), I just want honesty. Then can you go through and say if you think those individual reasons are enough to clear off of or not. My picture of your slot’s read on mine is vaguer than I think it should be

  2. What are your thoughts on lol specifically? Before arete, and disregarding any partnery stuff, what did his posts make you think alignment-wise at the time. With hindsight, do you find anything he posted villagerier or wolfier now?

This is how it feels every time i post a bunch in a row

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Why before vulgard was wolfy and now hes fine: the novel

He was, infact, not town

He called both of the dead wolves town day one, which makes me feel suspicious about him beforehand


I really like this, even if Richard flipped town. Richard was 100% cringe, and should’ve died, even if town

Accuses him and then instantly defends him

Valid point against cringe-richard

Was after marl was outted wolf. Doesn’t bother explaining why he thought he was town

Arctic was doctor, but it does make sense that a PR would play in the same nervousness that a wolf would feel, especially if you weren’t outted (like mist outted d1)

Do you still believe this? Derps was not included because he “claimed neighborizer”, which is fine

if your gonna be not relevant at all, at least be funny

I like this, especially because of how marshal was acting

accepts responsibility
Past this is when i started v reading him


Bliz was good, but like the push on derps

eli was hella lazy then

Lol was acting super super wolfy

thats just called being bad

To his credit, re-reading blizer made him sound decently wolfy

This is weird, and I’m glad vul called bliz out on this

Doesn’t instantly jump to the front of being v in Arctic’s eyes, instead questions him for that train of thought

This is not a good pass, and bliz was town, while derps was mafia

Pretty decent

Trying to figure out a plan to move forward, very v

No clue what this website is, but using other game’s plays to figure out w’s and v’s

Derps was evil, and unless vul was bussing (something derps would not like, based on his previous games (has a record of bussing other wolves for no reason)) (im not an alt i found this from another post) Vul was probably good

[quote=“Vulgard, post:5923, topic:87956, full:true”]

Old game, but this is the last Hippo wolfgame I remember. The posts quoted comprise the biggest push he made all game. The push is mostly OMGUS from the looks of it.

Compare this to these.

Seems really dedicated to the game, which was good at this point


Sounds like him

thank you, very cool
also while im here i take back eli being town

Second ISO that day, impressive, shows dedication

Third ISO

Very confident, believes in his claim, even if it was false (derps/arete/blizer), derps was wolf, bliz wasn’t

Extremely dedicated

lol, shut him down

Kinda obvious, there is at least one town in any group of three

You did


Also valid

I agree, eli has been acting like this for a good while

Exactly what eli is claiming now

Good pushes on eli

Happy now, Arete?

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yes thank you that helps me a lot to understand your thought process

Atlas I have a sincere question, please don’t be offended, I don’t mean it as an insult, but

do you have forum mafia experience on other sites that you’ve been hiding?

  1. OK.

Point #1 is the previous read I had on you, when I called you town because your thought processes on your reads day 1 were good and towny. And by good and towny, I mean nuanced enough that I think the wolf version of you wouldn’t bother to emulate that.

Point #2 is the whole thing about you knowing Arctic was a PR and yet not outing it until an opportune time.

Point #3 is just your general vibe being a vibe I wouldn’t expect from someone with TMI, which is the weakest point though, and easily debated.

  1. I’ll be honest, I’ve read lol’s ISO at least three times and I drew a blank every single time. I wish I could go back to day 1 or day 3 and yeet lol instead, so I wouldn’t have to worry about his slot. That said, I do townread Arete right now, so.

The unfortunate thing is that both flipped wolves didn’t have real interactions with lol. Marl and lol had interactions, but they didn’t really push me either way. You could say that the way lol spoke to Marl about adding Eli to his PoE and Marl accepting it was very partnery, but that feels too blatant to be a partner interaction. You could say these were two wolves trying to add a villager to the PoE while pretending to argue with each other, but.

Honestly, looking back at it, I feel like Marl can’t be with both lol and Eli. I don’t think Marl talks to his partner lol about adding his partner Eli to the PoE. I just don’t think that’s likely, even though it’s theoretically possible. There’s no evidence they were bussing each other, unless you take the VC from day 1 I quoted earlier as evidence.

can you talk me through this a bit?

Because it’s the fundamental difference in viewpoints I think we have

Why doesn’t he talk with a partner about adding another partner to the PoE? What’s the aversion wolves actually have to something like that? You put this as kind of a given but i’m not making the connection as to why this interaction is unlikely to come from 3 wolves

Don’t worry, I see what your getting at anyway

No, im just copying other people

I know it puts me at suspicion of being coached, but I’m not.

im calling wallposts novels from now on
thanks atlas

@Atlas do you think you’re likely to be voted today?

I’d say 30%

Because it’s… random, it doesn’t accomplish anything. You might think that they were doing it to look like they are not partners, but it just… seems pointless to me. I don’t know.

I’ve never been good at interpreting actions of players who are random bussers and who post things that don’t really make much internal sense.

Like, if I assume they are wolves, then instead of getting literally anything done in the thread, they decided to discuss how to bus each other - in the thread. That just seems like a complete waste of time, unless you think the wolf strategy was to bus each other to hell and back. And sure, I even found an interaction where Marl was “bussing” Derps. But that interaction wasn’t even a bus, it was more like distancing.

I think it’s possible! I’m not completely dismissing them being partners, I just find it unlikely, because I can’t see them playing like this - under normal circumstances, anyway. Maybe I’m underestimating their propensity for bussing or something.

me when we crossvote:


the specific point that made me think that could be the case was the one where you talked about how Arctic being doctor would have led to him playing a bit more of a wolfy game because of nervousness, which is a widely held belief among “more experienced” players but not one I would expect to be immediately obvious (I could be wrong)

but I also think that in particular would be a really weird thing to coach

I just said it cause it makes sense


atlas out here being huge brain