Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

depends on who the vig is

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hopefully whoever it is is a gamer and shoots anyone that answers incorrectly

Are yall voting pkr for memes other reasons or do you actually scumread him?

one word

PKR does that all the time as both alignments
so why does it make u scumread him

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I haven’t read what’s in question but I do think pkr ate can differ from alignment to alignment

This early? Idk like I said I didn’t read what happened

why is he doing it right off the bat

yeah you might have a point
but i feel like it’s not just because it’s early
it’s because he’s getting voted
it would be the same situation much later

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Just read it

I have some opinions but it’s too early to really say anything so I’d prefer to just let it do it’s own thing

why is it too early to say anything

I just want to say I’m not AtE’ing.
I would say what I’ve said as anything.
Factually I either live long or die almost instantly.

I want to be actually correctly read.
It’d be a pleasant change.

No cap, no AtE.
Just spitting straight truths from my own perspective.

Because I need more so I wanna not influence it

Top 10 quotes I never expected to see.


Fwiw this dosent change the fact that it’s kinda AtE

Does this mean you think I am passive aggressive?
Or that you didn’t think that Chloe would say I am being so?

you are very blatantly AtEing, whether you realize it or not


I feel like you are probably mafia.

If I’m not realising I’m AtE’ing.
Then maybe it’s not quite as “blatant” of an AtE as you think.
Or maybe I’m just jaded at this point and just don’t realise it because it comes naturally.
