Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I now have a read that one of Marshal and Eli are definitely scum

Go for it Mist.
Get rid of me because that’s what people want.
Otherwise I’m going to get mislynched.

They’d rather you not shoot a wolf :slight_smile:

i think apelsin is a busy wolf and extremely uncomfortable

derp is the lhf wolf

marshal sucks

rest is town or null

PKR, please, you’re like CRichard

Shut up.

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yeah ur screwed

Unironically though I’m Probabaly not that bad a shot

yoo I’m 5’6 and overweight, you’re going down :sunglasses:

why are you a villager

not why is the push on you bad, why are you a villager

Ok then.
See yall day 2 I guess.
Hopefully I have a pelt by then

yeah twinks lose automatically to fat people

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Is this like rock paper scissors?



do you have anything about the game to talk about

Not really, but I’m at least trying to think of something

dont touch my boy

Because my rolecard says so.
Easy as.

I’m not mincing my words.
I’m providing things from my perspective and I’m not giving up.

People have tried to pressure me a bit but I’ve not cracked and stopped.
I’m keeping going.

do you think you wouldn’t do that as a wolf?

also i think wazza v here fwiw

bruh moment

I think my games talk for me.
I don’t need to talk for them.