Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

this is for me, click this if you want a bunch of eli post with 0 context or commentaries

[quote=“EliThePsycho, post:461, topic:87956, full:true”]

[quote=“Yellow, post:286, topic:87956”]

Hmm yes
a scale of 1-10

roleblocker gang roleblocker gang

you imply that we all think the same way

[quote=“EliThePsycho, post:1523, topic:87956, full:true”]

one sec let me do that (showing up next post)

why do people do this
they go
“i read them correctly in the past”
and then use that as justification…
like c’mon at least use something real as justification

so the whole thing about BlueLance is dum

a bunch of your quotes broke

bluelance also seems very rand

thank you very cool


my iso quality has peaked

mkay fuck this i cant get the quote thing to work

all of them are in my PoE

I am still working on solidifying eli
I don’t think i’m actually quite there on lock just from a reread

14 players alive
with no doc save the winning PoE has 6 players in it (with doc save it has 7) (or 5/6 excluding marl)

mist min derps vulgard atlas arctic +1


were not actually that far off if there are no wolves in there

the +1 could be marsh maybe idk

Eli Hippo lol PKR Ami Marl?

this list has 6 of the 4 wolves 50-55% of the time

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Zori’s brain is too big for me.


6 of four wolves?

i was going to say “this list of 6 has the 4 wolves” but I thought this was funnier

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well you see

What alignment is ETP???

So to preface this, even in eli’s best wolfgames he is nearly incapable of creating independant reads, something in abundance here. But that meta read is simply not enough for me even if it is a good look in my opinion and enough to put him at a solid degree of town.

His early sequence on PKR is already good, it’s aggressive and unwavering

If PKR is mafia this sequence is almost clearing by itself, 18 posts in, but i’m not preflipping quite yet. I like this because it’s bold and aggressive, something that I think wolf eli would have trouble faking right off the bat.

screenshotting as i can’t be bothered to find the quote

but he doesn’t really imply pkr is wolf here which feels a little weird
like it seems he wasn’t pushing pkr on the basis of their alignment and more on it being cringe. This sequence itself is tonally fine but tone means little to nothing to me, the first sequence isn’t really clearing with that in mind (unless pkr is wolf, which i think it would be, especially with how pkr discredits eli’s read as “not even level-1”)

his treatment of the dome is honestly generally pretty good with what I believe wolves plan was? Marl sort of co-opted my chloe push in an attempt to genuinely bury her. His attempt to discredit the attempt is a decent look with this in mind, but doesn’t really go past ‘decent’ because I don’t know marl’s full plan.

[quote=“EliThePsycho, post:1523, topic:87956”]

these two are decently built, nothing immediately wrong with it.

what actually happened to this

eli hasn’t made reads this phase, this is the only thing

which i can’t say i’m a fan of but I think my current perspective is too tainted to reallllly wolfread him for siding with vul on the argument

If pkr is mafia, which is very likely at this point, eli is locked clear straight up town. Let’s get that out of the way.

If pkr is not mafia then it’s a more complicated game. Eli’s posting is above his wolf meta, the content of his d1 reads was fine, his d2 has been pretty mehhhh but it’s a weird day. His handling of marl was pretty good. His boldness and confidence is pretty good. Most of eli’s posts, regardless of anyone’s alignments are… pretty good.

He’s… ?probably? town. Ideally pkr is mafia and i full on lock him
the fact that he has virtually no reads today is concerning especially considering he said he would do differently. I’d still say >>rand v regardless.

tldr; eli lock v if pkr is wolf, >>rand v if not.

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I like this read.

My problem is less that he sides with me but more that he sides with me and… that’s… it. He just says my analysis makes sense.

hippo time

dont read me i want to live a little longer :grinning:

you wouldnt dare iso me

i would have marsh in over derps or vul

probably eli too