Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Tbf I was confused by this too which is why I said it seemed like PKR was literally just memeing us

I still think heā€™s bad tho and he needs to did asap anyway. Idk who id kill over them tomorrow.

He asks to get shot by the vig night 1, he asks why heā€™s not getting yeeted over an outed wolf day 2ā€¦ his teammates wouldnā€™t let him do this if he were wolfing. His conscience wouldnā€™t let him do this if he were wolfing. If heā€™s town, this is all explained because he doesnā€™t feel a sense of obligation toward the town. To him, weā€™re all persecuting him and misreading him and heā€™s offended. Itā€™s unfortunate, but it tracks.

i think marshal is very spewed and very villagery but im scared of her so


His ISO really reads like he wants to prove us wrong with his V flip because heā€™s tired of getting misyeeted. I hate saying this but it makes perfect sense when you view it that way. PKR himself says thatā€™s his ā€œproblemā€ in this game. That he keeps getting misread by people. Him trying to prove our incompetence at reading him for whatever reason explains all his actions, including capitalizing on every opportunity for us to kill him. As a wolf, even if he were in a terrible mental state, he wouldnā€™t ask the village to kill him like this. Especially not after one of his partners got outed, that would just make things even worse for the team and make people annoyed.

has he had this problem as town though
if the answer is no then your argument is null

it is wifom
iirc mist TRā€™ed pkr but didnā€™t say why so he could easily get away with doing this

i mean
itā€™s not like he checks with his teammates before sending every post?

PKRā€™s play is just as suboptimal as town as it is a wolf

he canā€™t just complain about being misread every game and prove us wrong for the sake of it by doing nothing and let himself get killed

when the reason heā€™s getting killed is because heā€™s doing this shit

itā€™s circular reasoning

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Yeah tbf I just read him in NUF FM cuz I remembered he was mafia and I was town there and he is pretty different content wise. He talks a ton about mechanics but shows effort into substantiating fake reads. Here heā€™s legit not even trying.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s a good enough reason to not hang tho. He is faking his reads here even if hes town. Its hard to justify not policy yeeting. Helps with a lot of slots too.


Can you read his Darling in the Franxx ISO? He was misyeeted day 1 there, pretty important. Itā€™s an ISO below 100 posts.

I see a very obvious connection between that game and this game. A progression.

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Half of his iso in that game was responding to me saying I was wrong about him which was p funny when reading just his iso without my comments

i havenā€™t done a full on case of pkr but realistically I think his posting isnā€™t good and I think the marl spew looks bad for him

hes prob the wolfiest slot in the game atm regardless of if you think heā€™d make reads as wolf and i donā€™t think I Can ever let him endgame

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Oh, Iā€™m not denying that itā€™s terrible play. Iā€™m arguing him doing it as town makesā€¦ more sense, in a way, than doing it as a wolf. Much more sense.

Yes this is where I am at too.

I also think that his play today could be straight up trying to live while spewing nothing if he thinks hes fucked


Next person to post is mafia

im mafia :flushed:

why does pkr only ever show up when we talk about him heā€™s like bloody mary


I am still around fwiw.
Thisā€¦ discussion has been fascinating.
Like, Vulā€™s actually looking into this in depth and kind of understanding how I feel and what Iā€™m thinking.
Itā€™s weird to see something right?

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Itā€™s funny you of all people are noticing this when youā€™re usually one of the most eager to get a PKR train going, meme reasons or not.

I understand the policy argument, but weā€™ve already had CRichard and I want to kill wolves, not wolfy villagers.