Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

it felt kinda freeflowing rather than nfol where they felt super stiff

I disagree with all of these statements but I donā€™t think Minā€™s posts are wolfy, which is a good sign.

Thatā€™s actually a lie, I only disagree with the second statement

Am I really that awkward?


Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
EliThePsycho Atlas, Marluxion 2/9
ArcticXI Hippoyeetus, lol 2/9
PokemonKidRyan Chloe 1/9
Yellow Appelsiini 1/9
BlueLance PokemonKidRyan 1/9
Appelsiini clonedcheese 1/9
Not voting ArcticXI, BlueLance, Marshal, Mistyx, SirDerpsAlot, min, Yellow, Wazza, EliThePsycho 9

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The way lol presented their meta read on Min is towny

I will never not townread people openly struggling to explain their thought process, especially when weā€™re making early reads. In any case, this was clearly not an excuse to vote PKR and feels genuine

PKRā€™s initial passive-aggressiveness isā€¦ also towny? I donā€™t think thatā€™s the approach a wolf chooses to take when being viberead correctly. The rest is AtE

I would personally ignore it, though

Arctic is towny

hi cas!! ily

Your openers tend to be awkward, yes

i dont have much to say regarding that in specific but iā€™ve liked lol on a tonal level
his posts dont make me want to fistfight him

yeah. agreed

not quite there yet

i should move my lazy booty

/vote SirDerpsAlot @Aelin
i guess

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Marshal is either T/T or W/W with Eli

@Mistyx why is this wolf-AI? Or AI in general?

Bad pushes =/= Wolfy pushes

Pushes that might have agenda are, on the other hand, the kind of pushes that I would consider wolfy and this feels like one. Being annoyed about AtE isnā€™t really AI either way when Eli is openly claiming that to be the only reason, so this feels opportunistic

Chloe continues to be towny

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
EliThePsycho Atlas, Marluxion 2/9
ArcticXI Hippoyeetus, lol 2/9
SirDerpsAlot Chloe 1/9
Atlas Appelsiini 1/9
BlueLance PokemonKidRyan 1/9
Appelsiini clonedcheese 1/9
Not voting ArcticXI, BlueLance, Marshal, Mistyx, SirDerpsAlot, min, Yellow, Wazza, EliThePsycho 9

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Bold of you to assume I wasnā€™t copying Mist smh

Marl best hero, Mist best girl, Appel best citrus fruit

The three elements that keep the world in harmony


Chloe, Eli, Marshal, Arctic V

Min, Yellow, lol, Cloned prob V

Marl null which scares me a bit

Mist, Hippo W


/vote Mist @Aelin

It was a joke at the time.
But it was the 2 people just constantly quoting my post (which makes me receive a notification) with less and less to it.

Marl kept putting me in the hotseat (although he did really well finding actual cult too).
I basically had to be lightly fighting throughout.
And I was court wizardā€¦ not really something which can fight much when people end day within hours meaning I cannot day action. Nor can it do much when almost everyone claims a support class.

Smh. I mean, youā€™re not exactly wrong.
But I want to see some soulreads :3

Hero. Citrus Fruit. Girl. Tree. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Hero Nation attacked. Only the Vulgard, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Vulgard, a treebender named Arete. And although their treebending skills are great, they have a lot to learn before theyā€™re ready to save anyone. But I believe Arete can save the world.


Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
EliThePsycho Atlas, Marluxion 2/9
ArcticXI Hippoyeetus, lol 2/9
SirDerpsAlot Chloe 1/9
Mistyx Appelsiini 1/9
BlueLance PokemonKidRyan 1/9
Appelsiini clonedcheese 1/9
Not voting ArcticXI, BlueLance, Marshal, Mistyx, SirDerpsAlot, min, Yellow, Wazza, EliThePsycho 9

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This has to be made into a flavor someday



could marshal not just be a wrong villager
or trying to pocket town eli

Because it feels like it. Those are possibilities, yes, but I donā€™t think that reads as a pocket attempt

If sheā€™s wrong then Iā€™m wrong too and Iā€™m not considering worlds like that unless I have a reason to believe Iā€™m wrong

not considering worlds where youā€™re wrong sounds like a recipe for disaster

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having said that, it doesnā€™t really matter for reads this early

ā€¦Yeah, it probably sounds less of a disaster if you include the whole sentence