Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

This is wazza’s readlist from d1, so something to look at here and analyze

I feel like these posts kinda erked me.
Especially the final bit of the final post.
Hippo’s trying to find an excuse to escape blame once I flip town.

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going through wazza’s post, i dont see how anyone could have PR read him imo, he didnt give off the tone or behaviour of one.

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If wolfs killed Wazza cause they PR read him.

This just felt really fake to me honestly and…

Perspective slip, Yellow was a wolf in that game.
So they learned how to play as a wolf in that game… which, since that’s how “to play this game” they might’ve slipped wolf here too? I know that’s weak though.

Kinda trying to piggyback off your own early questions on me.
Also felt like they might’ve been coached here?
Or that they’re trying to lightly pocket you (with no follow up because inactivity)

Min, I’m literally trying to.
I’ve been trying to for days.
People want explanations, I’m giving them.
Arctic wanted me to expand on 2 of them. I just have.

1v1 me roblox whoever loses selfvotes


ive been keeping up with this game a bit

you kinda have been just not giving a shit in general in terms of reads and actually solving

which is why i think people are just straight up wolfreading you/want to policy yeet you

Look, I may be a furry but I have some standards…
Minecraft > Roblox.

Fight me nerd

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I never played minecraft sorry

1 v 1 me age of mythology

I’ve been giving reads! Just not really expanding on them.
Because at the time people complained I wasn’t reading ;-;

This post sticks out to me a little bit tbh, idk why cause Mafia Backup also could have commited the kill (Even if that is kinda less than optimal, though Backup is basically a Goon atm). This post just feels weird to me, and i cant really place down if its a town or wolf vibe really.

yeah it is weak
they could just be talking about how the game works

how do you come to this conclusion

I forgot about mafia backup when I made that post lol.

I was right anyway tho. Don’t see why I’d randomly correctly say marls exactly goon preflip if I was mafia. Doesn’t make me look towny and can only ever be used against me.

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Went through Hippo’s Posts and outside of the above post, Tone and behavior feels quite Towny imo, and his perspective during d2 after marl got outted as wolf was towny in my eyes. Also another thing to note going through his iso is that his thought process and how he interacts feels in a way isolated from how the rest of town is trying to solve the game imo

Still warry, but i think the slot is quite towny, though depending on PKR’s flip, slot should be numero uno for re-eval towards the slot.

to be fair scum tend to say a lot of random shit thats correct but does nothing for them

Yeah thats true, i know you dont slip shit like that. It just felt weird to me, and I couldnt get a good vibe on the feeling surronding it.

It’s a post which if people don’t look into is extremely villagery.
And it catches your attention in particular so at least 1 person spots it.
Mafia would use that so that Yellow has a free future defense.

Basically being able to explain how much would be needed to gain trust but not be too stand out-ish

Why exactly do you think I’m top mafia btw?