Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

@Arctic I have a question for you, techincally 2

First Question, Do you think Marshal/Vul is W/T, T/T or W/W

Second question if answer is W/T, who do you think is wolf and why

More likely Vul imo

no she was just the most consensus v who wasnt a claimed pr


i feel vaguely insulted

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bliz feels stilted lol

dont think heā€™s been villagery on catchup


Nightingale claiming to be neighbourized is solid PR cover for herself, but it wasnt the best cover in the world as Wolfs killed her.

I really do believe wolfs saw through her cover and killed her.

also if wolfs were killing obvtowns

arctic should ahve been the one to die last night imo, cause dude is obv town to pretty much everyone

So, yeah I believe Nightingale was killed because wolfs saw through the cover, or she neighbourized a wolf

she neighborized me last night


Okay and she neighbourized derps n1, correct?


i think they are both villagers but itā€™s looking a lot more likely that there is probably a wolf in one of them because iā€™m doubting the team of you/lol/pkr is real and i donā€™t think derps, atlas or hippo are wolves

vulgard has been more villagery than marshal but also more wolfy
i know that sounds stupid, but think of it like a greater range of villageriness and wolfiness
the development of his marshal read seems out of his wolfrange but the way he backed out of it isnā€™t entirely convincing
also iā€™m left with no option other than scumreading the way he decided that appel had a villagery d1 overnight, since he never actually explained why

marshalā€™s read on chloe was what made me initially townread them and still is, i think the angle they took about chloe throwing their read in the pile of nonsense level 0 reads they kept being thrown with is unlikely to come from a wolf
itā€™s not as clearing as vulgardā€™s read on marshal though
the worst look for marshal is the way they handled marluxion as vulgard pointed out (and backed out from, apparently) because the d1 progression leading to having marl as like there top town isnā€™t evident and could easily be a way to solidify his position d2 after a crich (chloe) v flip
but once again, this isnā€™t as wolfy as vulgardā€™s handling of appel slot

tl;dr i really donā€™t know and iā€™ll probably read over both tomorrow, maybe today if i feel like it
i guess you could say iā€™m like 1% more confident on it being marshal

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i have now realized you probably donā€™t know half of what iā€™m talking about in this post depending on how much youā€™ve been following the game

All right I appreciate your thoughts and reads on both slots, im gonna look back at their interactions again and see if something stands out to me.

Ive been keeping up quite a bit, but less so day 2

not gonna lie
aside from the redcheck on marl being outted in the first 10 minutes of the day,
literally the only important part of d2 was the marshal and vulgard thing and maybe my case on pkr

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if thereā€™s a wolf in marshal and vulgard itā€™s unlikely wolf blizer would want me to go over the topic because wolves know iā€™m uncertain about these two

who was it


Men fear what they donā€™t understand.