Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

‘ooh it’s a perspective slip cuz she said if but she’d know town yadda yadda i lack basic reasoningze’

you’re latching onto something extremely dumb
i’m not going to let that be what sinks me
if I end up being wrong again (which i still think i am not) and my living cannot be justified becuase I usually am good at fm then fine, i’ll accept that

but this is so utterly pepega that i refuse to accept the read

you have a tendency for strawmanning people’s arguments by leveling it to something hypothetical
this isn’t hypothetical
i am saying u did what i said you did, but it’s more likely something a wolf would do, which is why it’s wolfy

it was clearly a joke? you’re exaggerated response to this and the thread being against you with the vulgard thing (when it really wasn’t even…) is not a great look my guy
it feels like ur frustrated for being caught for the wrong reasons when a villager in your situation would be well aware that what they’re being pushed for is certainly not something that would end their life

especially since you, apparently one of the better wolf players on this site, could not possibly be caught by something so basic and level 1 as this
if u were a villager why would you even think you would die to something like this

how is it overblown

if I go down the game is almost definitely lost

you guys are going to kill eli or someone and then choke in lylo
the game balance is quite literally in the hands of myself to prove the raesoning against me sucks and I clearly care a lot about the game

stop sucking your own dick for 1 second you are not better than me or anyone else even if you clearly think otherwise

I’m going full fury at your argument because it’s bad reasoning to wolfread me on something I am very sure is not alignment indicative. You’ve pivoted because your brain cannot accept that maybe I did in fact make a joke and that your reasons suck. Grow up. Christ

My joke at chloe and joking response to your joke is not alignment indicative. It’s a fucking joke, much like your read.

This is straight up bad reasoning. It’s not tangible, it’s not concrete, it is something so level 1 that I am simply above and simply not humoring

i can tell you’re getting the idea that you’re the greatest man that ever lived in your mind, that you finally caught one, i’ve had two years to see it happen time and time again

snap out of it. Look at my reads. Look at my actions that had effects on the game and how my mindset has developed. Not if x or y is ‘overblown’ or reading into my jokes.

This game is easy but i’m not letting myself go down. Not to this and not to you.

me being better or worse than anyone has nothing to do with this, it’s the fact that i think someone with your renown would be disgusted by the thought of being caught by something so basic

you haven’t even realized that what i did was clearly in an attempt to probe you and i don’t at all think the phrasing of your post means anything

you’ve shown that you clearly don’t have a realistic grasp on what you can and can’t get pushed for this game and i think it makes a lot of sense to come from a wolf with your prestige who’s worried about being caught by something like that
i think as town u would have realized that you wouldn’t go over because of anything i’ve said but it really looks like i hit a nerve

the read was bad
i wanted to see if you’d respond over the top like you have several times before

I have a lot better gamesense than you
I can tell when thread is against me
I’m straight up in the pool of people who can and are going to die.

glad we are in agreement then?

It’s not ‘over the top’!!!

I can tell when i’m about to get fucked
do you want my self meta? tangible quotes on when i’ve realized this same exact thing before (and then been mislynched)

nothing i’ve pushed you on in the past 20 minutes is enough for you to get fucked and i think you would have realized this as a villager
can u understand why i think it just looks like a wolf frustrated that they’ve been caught for the wrong reasons because you can’t view the situation objectively enough to realize that you’re being pushed for things which are certanly not life enidng

this entire arguement is dumb

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my man
history can and will repeat itself

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cut it out nerds

nothing will come of this

you might well be fucked, but not because of the perspective thing or joke thing
possibly now because of my other point, but ur good enough regardless of ur alignment to get out of it anyway

anyway, for someone who believes the balance of the game rests in their hands, you haven’t done much today to steer the game
are you that confident on pkr flipping wolf? because if he doesn’t then it’s going to be chaos especially for u tomorrow

This comes largely as a reaction to thread as a whole but channeled at you
i’ve kept composed in the face of wolfreads, especially because a lot of them are for stuff I can’t really deflect, no matter pkr’s alignemnt my treatment of him today hasn’t been great, i haven’t been accurate.

it’s clear PKR isn’t truly set in stone
hippo said he straight up wants me out

blizer and vul are both simping for hippo
and when you come in with such a dumb read I can and will fight it hardcore

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I’ve been incredibly busy and in a bad place. I’ve been trying and didn’t realize that i’d have little time the latter half of the day and am still putting all i can into it.

I’m pretty confident he flips mafia. Marl’s treatment of him is still a very bad look, and his posting doesn’t do much for me even if it is an improvement, all it shows is that he is at the very least trying to stay in the game, which has sort of bucked my initial perspective of his play but after a bit of re-looking I still think he can very easily be approaching this from a mafia angle.

I also believe he ~never escapes PoE here and is a fully necessary elimination. He dies if he goes to lylo and if i die before PKR the game is just fucked.
