Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

hey arctic did you read my bliz case

As a villager your one of 13, and wolves 4/17, which means each and every member counts. A wolf is dead, which makes it 3/12 of us.

Wolves would want to survive a lot more than a villager would

youre saying he came in to punt wolves, but isnt punting anyone

wrong qoute sorry

im saying his posting today doesnā€™t line up with the mindset he established at start of day

idk though tbh
it made me realize i was trā€™ing stuff i shouldnā€™t have been but i didnā€™t think the slot was a villager anyway

I think if blizer is mafia vulgard and hippo are both probably vilalgers

both sides currently lose after 3 of their members get yeeted

idk what your point is

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realistically iā€™m at either [vul/hippo +1] or [PKR/Bliz +1]

the pairings are kind of weak but I think one of them is right

yeah thats what i said

im asking if it might be defended by meta because it could just be someone who thinks they are hot shit but started reading and went ā€œnah fuck thisā€

If one wolf gets yeeted how many extra villagers will have to die?


iā€™ll explain it for you
in this world youā€™re either a smart fella or a fart smella
which one are you marshal

that is not how math works

iā€™mā€¦ gay

do you eat ass

yes it is

one wolf out = one more villager that needs to get out to reach parity

If for example we killed a wolf today, it would be 11 people alive, and wolves need 4 alive to win

(9-3) = (9-2)-1


4 people alive