Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Also btw why am I out of Arete’s sus list? I haven’t contributed much use, what did I even do?


Also what would stop my interactions with marshal from being both wolves? I could always be bussing them

they have nothing in common if you are doing more than the most surface-level analysis

that’s not even a reason to villageread me, most of the reason they’re different is that I had a night to read up and make reads, but I don’t actually believe that you read them and find them similar

also Vul implying that I’m a wolf without actually saying ‘Arete is a wolf’ is wolfy don’t @ me

what was the point of this question when it would have been a rand if hippo stayed on lol

I thought it was unlikely that you would be hardbussing her because afaik you’re a lot less experienced than her and in my experience it’s pretty rare for a less experienced wolf to hardbus the more experienced one without a good reason

I’m doing this the way I did because I caught Chloe the same way in BfA 2. I can link the post where I make the accusation the same way.

Please do

This post is the hedgiest and worst thing i’ve seen from arete
my god

I hadn’t actually double-checked the votecount at this point and the actual votecount wasn’t actually relevant because what mattered was his state of belief about who would flip

if he expected PKR to flip either way then his point made a lot more sense (since in that world he would really truly have no reason to switch as wolf)

jfc Arctic

the ENTIRE POINT OF THE POST was that Vul was saying something was AI and I was disagreeing that it was AI

are you actually reading my posts

Vs this game.

And I don’t believe that you don’t believe I read them.


if you read the post it is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that my point here is ‘I do not think this indicates either TMI or the lack of TMI’

since his vote literally decided who flipped i mean, yes
good job?

you could have said that in about 5 words but instead decided to add a bunch of filler which makes it look like you’re faking a deep analysis of something really not that complicated

no i don’t read
this is a rite of passage of playing with me
crich experienced it (or at least, he thought he did) and now you must

I was going to say that in the first game you immediately called her specifically-a-wolf after doing the fill-in-the-blank thing but I double-checked the posts from WoW:BFA and they were seven minutes apart so that probably doesn’t actually apply


I take back that specific point

not really deep analysis but it looks like ur faking putting a lot of thought into something which doesn’t need it

I mean I believe that you actually read those posts

I just don’t believe that, given that you read those posts, your conclusion was that they were similar

I mean I thought about just responding to it with ‘no’ since that was a technically-accurate answer to the question but I wasn’t sure if that would be interpreted correctly

so I added an explanation

I’m voting Vulgard or Marshal today. I still don’t like the case against Bliz as much as them tbh.

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