Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

this is like, also wrong
blizer was trying to widen the poe and go after non-poe slots other than like lol slot

you aren’t reading the gamd


bliz said he was pushing outside the PoE but his only substantial push was on lol

Just putting it out there:

The alternative world, one that could be right if Blizer is V, is a world of powerwolves. That world would be exactly Arctic/Marshal/Arete (previously lol).

now ur here can u explain why u haven’t actually read the game and why half of ur post is blatantly incorrect

Atlas should vote me as well so that my wagon is AAAH

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it would actually be ‘aaha’

as in ‘aha, Vulgard is a wolf’


Me trying and failing to read the game, because:

  1. I wasn’t in it from the start
  2. I was not double-checking my content (these were my personal notes I didn’t originally intend to post)
  3. Flip-flopping on reads


do you have more personal notes that you haven’t posted

I’ve posted all of them by now.

but it’s not just one off errors
you’ve crafted your post around significant hallmarks which simply do not exist
there is a problem here

Me being town is the problem.

It’s easier to make reads when you’re informed and know what “makes sense”.

thank you for the game theory assessment

Look, I genuinely don’t know what I’m doing half the time in this game. I don’t know how to defend myself. If I get yeeted, you know my takes already: two worlds. I personally prefer a Blizer yeet but yeah.

“Vulgard you’re in PoE why are you not solving”
I’ve already given my solve and my main push target has given up. I don’t see a reason to continue.

today seems like a quickhammer day

pls no

vulgard you’re in the poe why are you blatantly misrepresenting significant features of the game to support your theory that blizer is a wolf

I don’t want to quickhammer because I don’t want all the random slots that keep promising they’ll do stuff later and then not to be able to appeal to ‘well there was a quickhammer, that’s why I couldn’t do anything’ which is hard to read alignments from

also why does this mean anything,
we are talking about eod3