Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp


I think I know how to get Marshal to take her vote off Blizer

I think the team is Marshal/Vulgard/Derps

(uh the joke was that I expected Marshal to pivot to me for saying that)


I think this is villagery in-context

what do you think

Okay, i had shit that was cancelled for tonight, so i can make a follow up post here



just dont want the quickhammer and shit before im done with my thought process post.

not really cuz like

i read his iso and i did not see him doing that

when I first saw this question my reaction was ‘I just took away everyone’s license to make preflip reads, I’m not about to make one now’ but now I think Marshal and Derps are both plausible

nothing you and Marshal have done is actually outside the range of W/W particularly since your argument didn’t go anywhere or involve any attempts to solve other slots, and she’s reluctant to wolfread you for reasons that are unclear to me (later she calls you the villageriest person in the PoE for no clear reason)

and you pushing Derps as associated with Blizer but not pushing him independently is a super common way of distancing in V!Blizer worlds, it lets you shade your partner but if Blizer flips V (again this is in V!Blizer worlds) it’s easy for you to be like ‘oops, I guess he wasn’t W/W with Blizer, haha!’

(Marshal also had a post about Derps that’s an extremely typical W/W interaction but that’s super preflippy and I already took away everyone’s preflip license)


can you explain this take

I am Not Seeing It and I feel like historically we’ve usually had a pretty similar view of Vul? (e.g. in FoL 26 where we collectively dunked on him)

you trying to shade me for mentioning your wolfclaiming is kind of :eyes: because I never tried to push or shade you for it

I guess I might have been unclear about that?? but I was deliberately trying not to use it to shade you

I thought that his solving was overall pretty methodical

his approach this game seems to be looking at things from multiple angles and then deciding if they make sense
there were a couple of posts where he lined things out and then tackled reads in a way I liked quite a bit

i can quote if u want ig

this is not remotely outside of his range to fake

that would be great

i didn’t say you pushed or shaded me for it

but i’m saying I thought the questioning of it wasn’t great because I see very little that could be gotten out of it that’s AI and I feel like you know that

I thought you might give me an AI explanation

e.g. some variations of ‘I thought it would be funny’ could be AI in either direction

instead you just gave me more wolfclaiming


a couple times this game you’ve been like ‘if you want to vote X out, vote me out first instead, and then treat my read on them like a greencheck’

I legitimately can’t remember you ever doing it as a villager + think it’s bad from a village perspective but I could be forgetting about something

can you think of any times when you’ve done that as V

can i legally hammer

Blizer unvoted so no

also I would like you to not

These all fit the mold of things I like

it’s not just that the posts are long, but the way he works through a lot of these (hippo read and me read exemplify this best) feels like a villagery way of tackling it. It’s a complicated type of mindset to fake as far as working things through every angle.

It’s not, like, out of the question, I think he can still very well be mafia because I do think a lot of these thngs are fakeable, just that it’s a lot of stuff that I consider pretty villagery and not super easy to fake

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ok but i want to hammer so if you’re gonna leave them at L-1 to give me the temptation