Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I dont think its AI, but hes self-aware of himself and his play which is noteworthy

itā€™s probably just Vul/Derps/x but I donā€™t know who the X is

also Derps is on there just because I literally do not have any reason to clear him

I donā€™t want to answer this question.

Marshal can be a wolf. Actually, this post is solidifying that for me.

Donā€™t hate her Derps push, though.

why does this post make you think sheā€™s more likely to be a wolf

Arctic, are you the Doctor?

this looks like a claim

Eh, screw it, in that case. Marshalā€™s town.
I was going to do something, but thereā€™s no point now.

So weā€™re back with the PoE I started, that being Blizer/Derps/+1 I guess. Arete/Eli. Donā€™t think Atlas or Hippo.

can someone remind me why Vul and Blizer arenā€™t W/W besides just ā€˜theyā€™ve been pushing each otherā€™

I remember finding it compelling but I donā€™t actually remember why

theyā€™ve been pushing each other

Areteā€™s been trying their best to avoid pushing Blizer for a while now.

i was assuming u also knew i was since this

and u saying the PRs were outted


this post is more or less it

i thought that it was very much not w/w, i donā€™t think wolves try to deny their partners who probably arenā€™t going to post a ton a pass

Iā€™ve sooooooort of lost confidence in it because it can be reasonably justified by, like, him just expressing frustration with a non-posting wolf partner or him already being commited to a bus

but neither of those really sit right for me because vul doesnā€™t seem like the type to make the first type of post and he ended up defending bluelance so the second type also doesnā€™t reallly make sense


why did you say the PRs were outted


Itā€™s complicated.

no itā€™s not

What if itā€™s literally Derps/Eli/Atlas and they arenā€™t doing anything?

Then we are bad

simple as that

If I explain it, then Iā€™ll have to write like 50 more posts of explaining. And you probably wonā€™t believe me at the end anyway.