Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I’m not (mostly) wolfreading you based on results

I’m not appealing to emotion. I’m trying to determine if flipping me increases your chances d5. It has nothing to do with me being mad over being wolfread.

I’m 100% confident this isn’t a real thought from you.

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so if I get voted out today and flip V the rest of the thread should take that as a wolfclaim from you?


I’ll paraphrase lol here.

If I rescind that, I’m mafia looking for outs.


I’m not a pepega so I’m not going to be like ‘vote me out then kill Vul!!! townplay is my passion!!’

but if I do in fact get voted out I’d like people to keep that in mind (and not fall into the WifoM trap of ‘would he really say that as wolf though’)

doesn’t change that your post still appealed to emotion brah

it’s trying to illicit an emotion or, to be more charitable, a post that’s supposed to paint you as town but with only emotion to back it up.

and ftr i dont even think ur like as wolfy as others
id rather kill blizzy or derps tbh adn i think most ppl are on the same boat

who is ‘everyone’ in this case. Is it just arete? you clearly don’t think arete is town and therefore not terrible at reading you.

I sometimes wonder why I even bother posting. And no, before anyone calls this AtE as well, I don’t mean that in a “I’m mad over getting wolfread and venting my frustrations.” I mean that in a “I’m not sure if my contributions are any good or if they mean anything.” And I’ve felt that way this whole game. Hence my constant flip-flopping of reads. I don’t feel good about what I’m posting, either.

Two cents about my thought process.

this is villagery in a vacuum but I’m unsure why you chose ‘now’ to post it

And I think it should make me very, very obviously town. You read my ISO and you have no idea what he’s even doing. But that’s why I’m town.

My posting has no agenda and I’m very, very clearly lost as hell the entire time.

(this is implying that you posted it for towncred)

I get the overwhelming impression Arete’s questions they’re asking everyone in the game aren’t actually leading anywhere and they aren’t trying to find wolves with them, just posting them to look good and solvy.

It’s the reason I’m ultimately calling Arete mafia. I’ve given them lots of time and I still haven’t seen the village Arete solving process.

living players who have been in the game all game with fewer posts than me count: 2

Like this one.

this is not alignment indicative for anyone I just wanted to gently poke fun at them

If this is implying you should be townread on postcount then I’m just going to laugh because we both know postcount is NAI for you.

nice crosspost :^)