Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

If derps can get more ppl we can just go derps, despite your case I think he’s still straight up likelier mafia

glgl guys

yikes tbh

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Vulgard Arete, Atlas, Mistyx 3/6
SirDerpsAlot Marshal, Vulgard 2/6
Marshal SirDerpsAlot, Hippoyeetus 2/6
Blizer EliThePsycho 1/6
Arete ArcticXI 1/6
Not voting Blizer 1

3 hours 35 minutes remain.

i am absolutely utterly pocketed by vulgard and if i’m alive i’m strongarming his poe so gl town lmao

@Atlas @Mistyx

Derps or Blizer.

@Hippolytus Stop voting Marshal. Derps or Blizer.

Post with my Blizer case. This is the gamesolve. If you don’t believe me and think I’m mafia, read it.

/vote derps @astand @Aelin

this is by far the worst thing for blizer
he’s also very obviously aligned with derps when you take this in combination with his marshal/derps w/v read

And no. I’m not doing this out of ego, selfishness, tunneling, confbias, nothing of the sort. I tried my best to enter ISOs with an open mind. I gave Blizer the benefit of the doubt at various points. But he is mafia, mafia, mafia, and he also spews both his partners, as I outline in detail in my case.

I am a villager. I recognize that I have played poorly until now, and I’m sorry for asking the town vig to shoot the town neighborizer (good meme, though). I’m sorry for the PKR misyeet, sorry for not making my progression obvious and not making myself easy to find. I’ve been flip-floppy, my original reads weren’t good, I possibly made a villager replace out, I made Marshal resort to AtE, and more. But I’ve been town, Vanilla Town, with a rolecard as green as the grass my father mowed down one hour ago, and while I’ve been wrong, I am 100% confident I’m right here.

There is too much supporting evidence, and it all fits together perfectly even when you discard my bias. Even with the most charitable of interpretations of Blizer’s behavior, there is no discernible way a villager even with the worst reads can consistently give suspected wolves outs while shoving villager after villager into groups of targets to push. It simply doesn’t happen, it’s deliberate, it makes Blizer mafia, and it makes Derps and Arete his exact partners. Eli is hardspewed town from Blizer, since Blizer tried to make the thread wolfread Eli and shoved him into the PoE like 5 times, and Blizer only being interested in Atlas once he needs Atlas as a yeet option makes Atlas likely town as well. He had been afraid to challenge the status quo (Atlas town) before, but once he needed to challenge it, he attempted to.

I tried my absolute best to make my case look as little like “dude trust me” as I could. I have used Blizer’s posts and actions, only Blizer’s posts and actions, and the only “preflips” I have made were considerations of people we universally agree to be villagers, plus that of my own slot.

Please, listen. And even if you do vote me out, if you absolutely need to see my flip to be convinced, then vote me. But please, please listen to me after that. Don’t let the wolves win, even if they push against me as hard as they can and post a thousand times.

And it also makes Arete mafia, because if lol was a villager, Blizer wouldn’t have any reservations about pushing there. Instead, his literal first interaction with Arete, who replaced into lol’s slot, is to give them the chance to clear themselves. If you want to assume Blizer V, then him giving an out to his biggest suspect as soon as there’s another player in the slot makes absolutely no sense, and him pushing Marshal before seeing lol’s flip makes even less sense if you assume no TMI. It makes so little sense it’s negative sense. If he really believes lol’s mafia as a villager, then no matter how bad Marshal looks to him, the only thing that makes sense is to push lol - which means, Arete. But no matter how many chances he had to do that, he never, ever took any of them. He had my push on Arete to follow, he had his prior read on lol, he had everything, and he took no opportunities.

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my only problem now is that if we ignore blizer, who were they arete and derps planning to misyeet say after you were yeeted today?

derps was pushing marshal
arete is pushing ??? other than you

unless it’s because they saw your poe had atlas dying before arete, in which case they’d still win if we followed that

And it’s not like the Marshal read went away. It only went away when Marshal V became thread consensus and he didn’t feel like he could fight it anymore. This entire time, he was wolfreading Marshal, and the wolfread on Marshal was mostly there because of his treatment of the lolslot. The lolslot he considered mafia.

This entire time, he should’ve been considering lol a wolf. If he started thinking lol was V, then it would’ve prompted a Marshal re-eval. But it never happens. Not until him continuing to push Marshal would be literally outing himself as mafia. Which means he thought lolslot was mafia all along.

But he never, ever pushes the lolslot. Does not even try. And if he’s a wolf and the lolslot is a villager… why not? Free misyeet. You can easily justify it, you’ve been pushing that slot for a while. Sure, it makes it harder for you to push Marshal later, but you already have your partner Arete pushing Vulgard to seal the deal tomorrow.

Good question.

I’m pretty sure Arete’s pushing me because I’m their biggest obstacle to winning the game, and they were planning to get a misyeet after that. What misyeet? There were two of them in my PoE, they’d probably go for that. Blizer was already pointing at Eli a lot, and at Atlas as of late. Arete could either do the same or go for a bigger target if they felt like it.

yeah but it didn’t really look like arete was planning to

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Could be that they just bus Derps after that and then win. I don’t know! I can’t predict the future. Arete very clearly wanted to bury me and worry about that later. Blizer’s been exploring options as well.

I’m sure if I went into Arete’s ISO I could answer that question for you, but I don’t think I’ll need to. I might do this tomorrow. I should still be alive.

Obvious brainfart. Arete=lol, obviously.

Blizer still has options after lol->Arete flips V. Many options.


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@Vulgard i’m stealing all ur credit for the poe if we win lmao

Go ahead, it took me 4 days to get here after playing horribly for at least three days.