Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

(it hasn’t actually begun yet but i’m just expecting it to at this point)

I agree, unless we are 100% sure on a wolf, waiting till 5 will help us tremendously

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Well unless anyone has anything interesting to say I’m watching

Twitch because atrioc went live


whos that

Whether we win the game or lose the game is beside the argument. You quickhammering Blizer, if you are villagers, is probably the worst single quickhammer in the history of quickhammers that I have ever seen, in my entire life, in 3 years, on MU, on POG, and I’ve been a host for 2 of them and played dozens. It is potentially one of the most anti-town actions I’ve laid my eyes on in my entire WW career. It is atrocious, dumbfounding, and inexcusable, and close to the border of gamethrowing. And sullies your entire effort to the game, so that your biggest contribution to the game is one in which you are literally indistinguishable to an outted wolf whose team has been decimated so far. Indeed, if you are a villager then wolves got an extra wolf, meaning that YOU ALONE are responsible for making this setup wolfsided. Think about that for a second.


(that’s a copypasta to be clear)

it wasnt me

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To be fair blizer hammered himself


I’m going to need a damn good reason from you for pushing that quickhammer because frankly if you are a villager then under the circumstances it is barely this side of gamethrowing

I thought he was lolcatting


yes but

he made it very clear he was going to do that


it’s not like that was a surprise

he was obvious fucking V and maybe I could have saved him if you’d waited a few hours but you didn’t even give me the CHANCE

one of arete/vul is wolf.
apparently marshal already put this take in
but i think vul is wolf because arete’s case was veery convincing lol

disclaimer I hadn’t actually looked into associatives and maybe those did genuinely look worse and would have changed my mind


we don’t know

because you didn’t let me try

we no exe today

because it’s MyLo

normally i’d say duh
but atlas doesn’t know this