Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

It’s not that I expect Atlas to start leading the town or anything, but I do expect them to at least pursue their reads. They have only had townreads. They did talk about scumreads very briefly, but never touched upon them later.

I don’t remember them ever bothering to defend their townreads, either. I know Atlas wasn’t there for end of day 1, I think, but at the end of day one I told the vigilante to shoot Appelsiini, who Atlas was townreading, and Atlas did nothing.

Here, Atlas has a townread on Appel. It’s very obviously a town read.

Here, I suggest in my infinite wisdom that the town vigilante should kill the town neighborizer, Appelsiini.

Atlas is around at this point. This post of theirs is just after mine.

They claim they are trying to think of important things to say. Well, one of the players has just told the vigilante to blast one of their townreads… I would think this is pretty important, but they say nothing.

This isn’t that important in a vacuum, but it’s one example of how Atlas, despite having certain reads, does not pursue them. They do not defend their townreads and do not pursue their scumreads. They are voting lol here, one of their scumreads (for being quiet), but that’s all they are doing. The wagons are between at least three people, and yet they aren’t trying to push for lol, either. This is what I’m talking about when I mention the lack of initiative.

This is another example. Atlas has no read on CRichard, and CRichard is at 7/9 votes at this point in the thread. Atlas asks why the wagon exists. But then, Atlas doesn’t even comment about this.

When Marshal votes for Arctic, Atlas once again questions the vote - and then does nothing, again! We know Arctic is a villager, we know Richard was a villager. Why did Atlas, despite not knowing why either is being voted, not even really try to figure that out or push his scumread on lol?

This feels like grasping at straws, but when it’s consistent across the whole game, I do have a bit of a problem with the utter lack of initiative.

By the way, now that we know Derps was a wolf, I think Marshal claiming Derps is the neighborizer is villagery and not wolfy. I don’t see the wolf motivation behind doing this, considering the neighborizer can counterclaim at any moment, and once the neighborizer flips, Derps is spewed not neighborizer. You could argue it was done to shield Derps, but really, if the neighborizer ever thought Derps shouldn’t get shielded, they would claim.

Besides, even if you argue Marshal was planning to shield Derps with this, Marshal as a wolf already knows Zori’s a PR and is killing her. She will flip neighborizer, and the supposed shield on Derps through the neighborizer claim is gone.

There is a problem I have with this, though. Marshal, when you said that Derps was the neighborizer, you did know it was actually Appelsiini, right? I remember you questioning my townread on Derps at the time. Why did you say Derps was a neighborizer, instead of someone you didn’t scumread? Or am I misremembering the timing of your read on Derps? I’m pretty sure you’d questioned my townread on Derps before you said Derps was a neighborizer. If you didn’t townread Derps, why did you protect him by saying he was the neighborizer?

By the way, the way Derps posted about being called neighborizer, I don’t think this comes from Marshal’s wolf partner. I think him calling it funny is indicative of Marshal being town and calling him neighborizer by mistake. From Derps’ point of view, anyway. I don’t think this comment would exist if it was a pre-planned strategy in wolfchat.

For the record, I still think that the idea Marshal tried to throw off the wolves by calling Derps the neighborizer and then killed the actual neighborizer on the night exactly after that is ridiculous, and that Marshal is just a villager who didn’t have TMI on who the wolves would be killing. This would be some insane level of theater for almost no gain, unless you think Marshal pre-planned this exactly for this moment to paint herself townie.

I would just like to say that Derps’s role being green colored threw me off so hard. For a moment I thought he flipped town and I was like, “how?”

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Part 2: marshal push derps, derps wolf, wolves want town dead wolves alive, marshal town?

There’s a lot I want to say regarding the fact that me and derps aren’t w/w because of how we treated each other this game in the sense that he is maybe the most fun wolfpartner to have for me personally just because of memories and we’d make an effort to do something together early and I think he’d try a lot harder than he did this game if he was with me

but I don’t think that’s something that I can reasonably explain in a way that the rest of the thread could understand and digest.

Early on I correctly shut down a ton of townreads on derps, which really isn’t how I handle a partner? I basically never let him get townread besides the neighborizer thing which doesn’t matter as wolves stabbed the neighorizer anyways and derps was obv at no threat d2 so it never actually helps him (I ended up giving him cred off of marl spew later but my point here still stands). I’m not the type to bus in the way of not letting my lowposting partner skate by, I denied almost every chance he had at getting in towncores and leans early on which I think is a substantially good look for myself, my style of wolfing is generally to try and give my partners as much cred as they can even if it’s thin or made up.


I also threw out derps’s name for the vig. Prob not super clearing cuz i threw out pkr harder, and obviously if eli is mafia it’s not really a clearing thing to go 'hey marshal said to shoot this wolf pr and not this wolf pr" but I still think it’s an unecessary risk to take when there were at least a few other villagers being thrown out, and i would be crushed to lose derps n1 as wolf.

Gonna convineintly skip over the points where i thought he was town off marl spew and skip over to where i buried him even though he was in most other ppls towncores

I remember someone saying this was partnery for how I sort of insinuated he’d be a bad elim but the rest of my day clearly shows I didn’t have any intention of saving derps? I pushed him long before anyone else did

I sort of grow in confidence at the derps read which also isn’t super likely to be a bus? Im not sure this is helping at all tbh but my busses tend to be hard and me only mildly signal boosting him → pushing for a yeet as a progression isn’t generally my style.

This is the point in which i’m at my lowest, everyone had been saying i was mafia and nobody was villa reading me off of the arctic thing yet

The fact that I shifted things towards derps despite the fact that I could have easily taken down blizer if wolf should grant me some cred, bringing it to 8p mylo is almost always just a winning position for wolves, 1 villa misvote in multiple days makes the game hard asf.

yadda yadda you know the drill, I get into towncore say derps is mafia and push derps.

He discredits this PoE which, if eli is v is pure (possibly not, has at least 2/3 of the wolfteam always tho). I’ve had wolves do this to me before, it’s not w/w.

His pushing on me even when i was never going to be an option feels like he was trying to set things up to make me look bad, him look good possibly, and spew nothing. Like it serves as a possible way of garnering “why would derps push marshal as w, marshal never ml???”, spews nothing about anyone else’s aligments and also look distance-y that he tries to push me over anyone else.

Yeah thats about it hi

i had a dream about atlas snapvoting

I actually do agree with this. It’s a good point.

i still think aroot’s case on vul is ery convincing
but at the same time aroot subbed in for lol

Other people said derps was neighbrorizer. I wasn’t the first to bring it up. I just used the idea that was already in thread to push the narrative.

I did very strongly think zori was neighborizer (and did still kind of think the slot was spewed by marl but overstated the confidence on that read to cover the real reasoning)

and derps’s posting was obviously not a real claim fmpov

it was more a spur of the moment thing but with wolves killing wazza I thought it might work out :joy_cat:

Can you elaborate on that? It feels like you have conflicting feelings and I would like to learn more about your headspace.

I do agree that atlas’s unprompted reads isn’t great

I remember trying to prompt a lot of them early and there are a few dinstinct lines I remember that seemed individual (nightingale push for example) but I do overall agree on the macro that his posts are p sparse

well see

Like, I don’t even have a problem with sparse posting or anything like that. It’s more like… Atlas doesn’t seem attached to their reads whatsoever. They aren’t pushing scumreads and they are not defending townreads, not even when we are misyeeting their townreads. Or when I am advocating for a townread of theirs to get shot. While they are in the thread. It just doesn’t make sense to me.

Me saying Appel has to get shot, Atlas seeing this instantly upon arriving in the thread, and then just shrugging and not even mentioning it is not a good look.

I know I said we should sleep here, but I’m kind of scared, because if we do sleep, some high-volume townie will get killed. And it will be harder to solve the game without their voice being there.

i don’t think i can elaborate on that
what do i elaborate on
i wolfread lol (or well, wolfred)
but arete’s case was very convincing
what more is there to say?

marshal dies tonight

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this was what i found specifically a bit partnery with eli/atlas

atlas also reps a p strong v read on eli for a while ut there’s nothint about that that’s specifically w/w

Maybe you should take a stance? Decide which one of us is mafia? We are in final six with two wolves alive. You have to take the initiative if you’re town.

I’m not forcing you to scumread one of us, but you haven’t posted a single analytical thing about this situation.