Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I think i’m reasonably fine with ‘vul votes x and we go from there’

I think arete/eli and arete/atlas are both possible but realistically i’m coming around on arete today, I think their posting is honestly pretty good. It’s not, like, an arete kind of villagery, but their posts are still villagery?

It’s tough to explain, I think the way they present reads and how their entire lylomylo has been has been overall good, I like the thoughtprocesses and the way they work through reads

but it’s not, like, a specific arete villagery type of thing? There’s no specific post or specific process that makes me go “hey, look, this path arete is taking is just classic v arete that i know and love”. I thought the blizer thing might have been it briefly but looking over it there’s no specific way of handling it that I thought was specifically village indicative of arete, specifically. It could reasonably come from a wolf just trying to look townie off bliz cred and overplaying the quickhammer thing to look like a Good and Annoyed Villager.


At this point I think the voting order post a vul-vote should be

Vul votes eli/atlas
crossvote if game continues
Other of eli/atlas votes
Arete votes
I vote last, for added pressure if it’s a 2/2

if vul votes arete then uh idfk, I honestly might want to be next to vote in that case because I think there’s very likely 1 villager in there and I don’t trust the game in the hands of whoever of eli/atlas is town in this hypothetical, i value staking my own read on the game and being right more than I value forcing potential wolfpartners to vote potential wolfpartners. Doubt he does this.

if vul votes me then :joy_cat:

I sort of hope vulgard votes atlas so if he’s villager and wrong at least I can blame him for not getting talked out of eli/arete team

but shrugze, it seems like he’s made his choice and i’m fine with a first vul vote

if you vote arete today i will smash the table be dissapointed
if you vote me then i get to run my game will understand
if you vote atlas boom bye scum
if you vote vul boom bye scum

maybe i should be putting this in who vul votes context

what if i vote myself

then you’ll get suspended for gamethrowing

it’s the sigma being expelled from socieety for being ased

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if vul votes arete today i will understand
if vul votes me today i will understand
if vul votes atlas today boom bye scum
if vul votes marshal today i will smash the table

so marshal
who dunnit

You’d understand a vote on you? Care to elaborate?

because currently i am in a v/w situation with you
according to most people (including me)

If you were v, why would you understand this? You clearly would also be suspicious of yourself, in their shoes

Do you think you’ve been playing suspiciously?

yes, in fact, i would be
there is good reason to be suspicious of me
of course, i know i’m v, but


see: everything everybody has said about me in these past 2 days

Why didn’t you try to make this right?

i have

I’ve noticed my own lack of posting and am now making up for it