Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Mood bro

Anyways imma go see why Chloe is voting me

/vote chloe

I think you gotta ping the host

That didn’t help me figure it out in the slightest

Rip ig

I think chloe is likely a member of the mafia

no cap

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
EliThePsycho Atlas, Hippoyeetus, Wazza 3/9
Wazza Marluxion, ArcticXI 2/9
Chloe min, Marshal 2/9
SirDerpsAlot Chloe 1/9
Marluxion Appelsiini 1/9
BlueLance PokemonKidRyan 1/9
Hippoyeetus clonedcheese 1/9
Marshal lol 1/9
lol Mistyx 1/9
Not voting BlueLance, SirDerpsAlot, Yellow, EliThePsycho 4

If the host is bad at responding ping astand

this is my way of saying that this isn’t an RT
buckle up babes



Why you vote me



oh ya

wanted to move off of pkr because i wasnt feelin it anymore

didnt have any strong reads elsewhere so thought fuck it derps time

Chloe is very much trying to posture herself as being on the offensive but really isn’t at the moment

all of her reads are very easy to make and the cheese read seemed absolutely planned from the start

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I don’t appreciate you voting me thx

I have to go to a party now but I’ll try to pop in here and thwir

talking to your mirror doesnt count as a party fyi




your gonna have to comment on anybody’s alignment soon


It is 12 am and I will be here until I fall asleep

what do you mean being on the offensive

why is everyone making weirdass analysis of my play this game

first im cautious
then im not cautious
then im on the offensive

im sitting here with a quarter of my brain working and zero energy just doing whatever tf comes to my mind next

okay lets break this town

‘all of her reads are very easy to make’
wow chloe made some level-0 reads when theres jack shit in terms of content to go off of
she must be a member of the mafia

have you considered that i genuinely believe in those reads?
who cares if they’re easy to make, it doesnt change the fact that theyre freakin reads lol

it wasnt

his first post where he said he disliked me struck me as somewhat townie for him, but i continued to talk with him for a bit to make sure of my read

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Thing is I have no clue who’s who