Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

So, there are a few things about this game that I’d like to talk about. One of them is an issue I have with this forum - we had six replacements. I don’t really blame all of them for replacing out, but I’m pretty sure this is the first time the post minimum has actually been… strictly enforced, and it showed. A lot. I don’t really know how to fix this, but…

Overall, you guys played as well as I think you could’ve under the circumstances. I apologize for all my bad hosting, I definitely should’ve gotten a cohost but at the point where I realized it it was a matter of annoyance and hope that the game would be over sooner rather than later, and not stretched into F3.


Everyone died except me, Marshal isn’t real


also this is sad

feel better <3

Legit Wolfs played well

Town played okay, but made some mistakes that fucked them up

(Self-Hammer :eyes:)

i wasn’t lying about being completely out of it

I randomly woke up at 3am which was when atlas was hammered? no idea why i was awake

Vul messed it up when he talked about when me eli mist and derps voted lol

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when you saw me start of Day 4 with me pushing you

were you prepped for that or nah, you thought i would push onto Aretes/lol’ s slot


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I played like

Exactly average


Thats when I knew we won

Was Atlas pinging me and Vul but not Marshal a legit scumslip


Why does this always happen?


If you guys noticed I either wasn’t pushing a possibility of a me and Marshal team well enough, or pushing it too hard, I can’t tell

I subbed in to a PR slot and got killed the next night for being a PR
Don’t really have anything to say about this game, nya


the bane of all villagers

walking back on your wolfreads when they are a wolf


I expected to be pushed by everyone, I only got out of it because of the doctor thing (yes, I nea checked arctic. Yes, I also pulled it entirely out of my ass and made those claims about knowing arc was doc without even reading my own posts)


gg wolves.


Am I the only one for whom this button stopped working on this forum?

Remember, I canonically won, you all canonically died

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Its my evil power

I had all of the PRs in a 5 person PoE d2 before min’s claim, so im happy about that lol

the other two were vul and eli ironically