Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

real smooth PR soft marl


yes i’m aware you meant IRL
i hope

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/vote Appelsiini @Aelin
what WIFOM

also when did everyone become a weeb

this is boring
lets do something
rqs time

What is the last forum game you played and what did you learn from it?

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I learned the same thing i learned in nfol4

i dont like pgos

I learned nothing

Vote Count

Accused Voters Number
Marshal lol 1/9
Wazza min 1/9
EliThePsycho Atlas 1/9
Atlas Appelsiini 1/9
BlueLance PokemonKidRyan 1/9
PokemonKidRyan Hippoyeetus 1/9
Appelsiini clonedcheese 1/9
Not voting ArcticXI, EliThePsycho, BlueLance, Chloe, Marluxion, Marshal, Mistyx, SirDerpsAlot, Wazza, Yellow 10

Reminder to ping me with your vote for it to be counted.

i last played in nfol 5
i learned that idk i didn’t really learn much tbh tbh

My spidey sense is telling me EliThePsycho is mafia.


dying isn’t fun


I didnt learn much from there, more from the game before it where I was given suggestions on stuff

thread when i’m sleeping: 1000 posts overnight

thread when i’m available:


/vote min @Aelin

hi ily2

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hydra game on syndicate

learned not to sleep in mylo in closed setups

also to ignore katze as much as possible


Completed: The Coven’s Revenge (

i replaced midgame into a townie slot. reads were good and game was there for us to win but we lost because of bad night actions and enemy team managing kill power well.

i learned to be more careful about night actions since they can always bite you in the ass. and i guess a little of ‘‘dont trust neutrals’’

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  1. I should probably show up to games on time
  2. There are some willagers that i need to deal with
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/unvote @Aelin

Anyway, I have noticed how boring thread is rn, so let’s do some things.

Right off the back I think yellow (for their experience level) seeing me vote wazza and questioning my vote this was is mildly towny


Cloned and Appel’s interaction looked awkward to me. Brain says possible wolf in there

Sorry, I realised I should’ve put that in the same post. Sorry :wowee: I didnt do it on purpose

min gets some level-0 townpoints from me for starting game-related discussion and not feeling uncomfortable

back later

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