Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I mean it’s really not a v/w dichotomy

because it’s not mechanical

I’m treating your slots about the same considering the dome
but I have a vested interest in egging it on because I think more people actually need to look at marl and chloe and this is a good way of doing it

i’m not talking about you, as i said in that post

your reasonings are valid since you scumread us individually

but i do not think shooting marl is the play if i go over here, and people trying to force that situation likely contains a woofer or more

i read that as ‘lolmarshal’ and interpereted it differently

my b

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either way chleb i do have a question

u put bluelance among ur v leans
why is that

I have two ideas in my head right now:

  • I’ll find a woofer. Execute me and shoot said wolf
  • I’ll find a woofer. Execute that woofer and shoot outside the dome

Will either of these become reality? Maybe not shruggo

(and I ask this more in a ‘sell this read to me’ way)

/unvote @Aelin gotta make sure i don’t mess up the vote if i don’t come back today

if you’re town it’s always better for you to be voting then not voting, even with low confidence

the less town votes at the end of the day, the more the wolf votes will be worth and the less control over the elimination town will have

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Don’t think I can sell it

I’m a bit see-saw

I think his insistence on playing the game how he plays the game is slightly villagery, yet at the same time I’m wondering how much of that it takes before it wraps around to being wolfy - since he can use it as an excuse to not generate content, or contribute to VCA by brushing it off as ‘oh its just my playstyle’

So if he does nothing the entire game I have zero qualms with dunking on him, but I think on a tonal level hes villabro-ey (also doesnt feel like how he playec in NFoL, and yes, i know he was 3p not cult)

Its quite level-0 but i think his literal second post being a VT claim is more likely than not to come from town if he has any competent partners - lowers possibilities for a fakeclaim if hes on the chopping block

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/vote lol @Aelin

Hasn’t been contributing much

i just read henry stickmen vig10 chloe iso and chloe’s posts are the funniest thing ever

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good job
checks watch
8 minutes on the clock
how many can you do



its so cringe nonononnoo

Can i get thread’s thoughts on lol

imo hasn’t really been amazing, not out of the range of sonic the hedgehog and really hasn’t been gamer and relaxed like they usually are in their town games
also think he shld know better when it comes to his push on me but Im not gonna use that as a legit reason cuz my feelings on that are tainted

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lol is non-existent in my mind


will iso lol in like an hr or so

only thing i liked from him was tone - he ddoesnt feel as aggressive and scrappy as i remember from that 1 wolfgame

a bit curious how you actually got him in sonic hedgehog, like what tipped you off etc.

take your time if you are doing something

I feel like my confidence on chloe!w is lower than it should be entirely because she’s the only one talking to me