Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

It was how he treated me/derps
Plus the fact that i had a dumbass read of 1+ wolf in the PR discussion after wazza ‘claimed’
Plus his aggressive and unnatural tone
And the fact that i v-read quiiite a few people over him. PoE baby

I’ll have to multi-iso us to remember fully since ive forgotten a lot of what happened while i was in the game but thats the gist p sure

I do think the whole “vote me out and sheep my legacy you muffins” is an overreaction and I feel like chloe should understand that?

Like she is far from locked for the elim and she can very easily talk her out of it. I know that things can feel like you’re in a worse position than you are but, ppl aren’t going to take marl super seriously and i’ve actively said i was not going to continually pressure her so i’m unsure how she can really get to the point where she thinks she has to find and bury a wolf or do a selfvote-and-findwolf.

it feels more like an effort to make herself look like flailing townie than actually flailing as either town or wolf.

I hope the rowdy and ecclectic crowd in the thread of chloe chloe and chloe has fun things to say about this

this entire thunderdome is just dum

No i do understand it

Part of what i’ve been trying to hold off from saying is that i dont know if i’ll ever get connected to this game

And i understand if i die today even if i would much prefer not to and plan on not doing so

do your thing
i’ve read a lot, im gonna wait for more postsze

Also im never selfvoting
Im not doing that shit again

Im just saying if i do happen to die then i’d like us to bonk a wolf overnight lol

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It just feels like shit to be told ‘lol sorry for the rand’ ‘sorry youre dying d1 as a wolf’ and have to fight the ever-confident Marissa “Marshal” Joycat

And now having to deal with a Marldome

Its like a mix of ‘ugh goddamnit not again’ and ‘im too tired for this shit’

Even if you arent continuously pushing me its just exhausting

And the only reason im ‘flailing’ is because of the damn thunderdome and how insistent I know marl gets lol

Might just ignore it tbh
Does nothing but make me tired

the last thing I want to do is sound unsympathetic and I am sorry if my words hurt you, that wasn’t my intention, i just got caught up in myself

but you are very much appealing to my emotions right now

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Pinging a player you previously voted as well as players who distrusted you isn’t going to get people to follow your thunderdome or care.

I do suggest ignoring marl, being a marl tunnel is the opposite of fun from what I can tell and you’re probably better off just ignoring it

yeah im sorry i realized what i was doing after a few minutes

not fair of me either!

you two are cute
now follow my wagons.

you’re also cute min

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i mean its fine
it’s what i did in upick more or less, although it was intentional and in good humour in that case (I doubt you’re intentionally trying to frighten me out of the read by making me feel like shit if i’m wrong, even as wolf i don’t think you purposefully leverage that)

just thought i’d point it out cuz you said you wouldn’t ate like a few minutes ago lolz

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and while i get it i still think ur, like, p wolfy lolz

but go catch a wolf and report back to me, that may change things. have fun

I’m on my way home from party

How was it?

I’m tired but I exist for the most part

Fun saw a family friend we hadn’t seen in a while due to covid