Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Why are you voting bluelance again?

Wanna talk with me about your read? Iā€™ve already said this, but I think she has these moments where sheā€™s genuinely struggling to explain her reads in a villagery way yet still maintaining a clear progression.

Is there any other reason besides the timing of her read?

no not really, i just dont see how chloe of all people couldnā€™t see i was being genuine
i just dont know where to go if sheā€™s village

You made me just reread all of my postsā€¦
My answer isā€¦ Iā€™m not?
(Or Iā€™m missing it)

/vote SDAL @Aelin

Fuck it

this man is exactly a pr or a wolf and iā€™m willing to gamble on those odds

Yeah u are @PokemonKidRyan

I voted them at the start of day for RVS.
I guess I didnā€™t change vote lmao

Do you no longer scumread chloe?

Who do you want to be voting?

How many times can I vote a person

This looks like such a fabricated question, given that Marl stated her read on Chloe 30 seconds ago

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Honestly Iā€™m not upset to be voting on Blue.
Itā€™s a slot which needs pressure because Iā€™ve seen likeā€¦ nothing on them.
And even some bits they posted feelā€¦ really damn weird.

If you look at my tierlist I scumleaned them.
And upon closer examination, I shouldā€™ve read them more as wolf.


I just dont see what the point of moving off of chloe is when they havenā€™t really done much thatā€™s towny

i dont know

My thinking has been p consistent throughout the game not sure why you actually think Iā€™m bad. Is it just my general tone or what?

Looking at these posts, itā€™s pretty clear that Chloeā€™s not trying to push W!Marl agenda


They are trying to get out of ā€œthunderdomeā€ by strong townreading marl after the dome has been created. Iā€™d be less sus of them if they said marl was mafia lol.

I donā€™t agree with your pushes and they seem opportunistic. It doesnā€™t seem like youā€™re actually trying to figure people out.