Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

if uh

anyone is a wolf i’m not a wolf because i’m gay

logic is a thing and it’s why im lock v

Glad to hear it.
At least you’re talking sense Kappa.

Yeah I’m just gonna

/vote Crich

trust in towngoddess AK

eli flips wolf 10/10 times or your money back

how much of the game have you actually read

you have said this like 6 times already and it’s giving me extreme pocket paranoia

money back, then

ftr arctic besides that 1 post the rest of his iso is ~fine~

but chloe making literally no strong reads all game is prob just the worst look

even when she’s had off games i’ve found her as v
such as uh
sonic the hedgehog

but her posting before the argument was not great, as i outlined, during it was the worst all game, and after it was a consistent state of whatever

enough to know Eli=W

Am I a decent replacement?

I chuckled.


I probably won’t have the time to read his ISO before EoD so I’m not going to vote him.

I prefer a CRich wagon for reasons I’ve outlined already.

He’s just AtEing at this point.

Well I despise you.
If it means I don’t play with you, so be it.

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bruh moment

I’ve been waiting a long time to out that.
Thank me later.

We’re not doing this.

My only read on you atp is that you’re not W/W with Chloe because she got too emotional while arguing with you and she wouldn’t get this emotional while arguing with a partner. Lmao.

anyways i have to go see a psych bye

So if CRich flips mafia Marissa is probably just clear.

Aww man I was hoping we could talk.

I’d talk intelligently about the other wagons but I haven’t read enough of them to have opinions.

You are possibly the worst person I’ve ever met here.