Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

why are u being so rude

Because I hate you thatā€™s why.

Can you at least leave a legacy if youā€™re town? Pretty sure these messages are just making people more inclined to vote you and if youā€™re town thatā€™s bad for town.

yes, thatā€™s more or less exactly my chloe / marl not w/w read

why no read on me tho? I feel like iā€™ve been very much pushing if not passing my wolfrange today, even if itā€™s big.

Because Iā€™ve read absolutely none of your posts aside from the snippets I saw in other peopleā€™s ISOs and thatā€™s very obviously not enough to create a read.

Oh finally people are thinking I might be town?
Shocking I know.
Sure Iā€™ll work up a legacy though I donā€™t think itā€™s worth the bother seeing no one pays attention to them here.
I know how it works here.


I didnā€™t read the whole thread because Iā€™d just end up quickskimming and not really parsing whatā€™s going on. I only found out about Mistyx claiming vig through CRichā€™s posts for instance.

I need to check something about CRich, hold on.

didnā€™t jesus say love your enemies or something
/vote crich @Aelin
back in a sec then i need to walk dog for 30 minutes

Reminder to keep it civil or I will forcereplace/modkill your slot. This goes for everyone.

ur a cringe looser

i have to drive a good 45-60 mins as finding an LGBT supportive psych in my area is difficult to say the least

You donā€™t believe in that, and I hate you.

yeah i donā€™t
but itā€™s funny
and you could do with being nice to people

Iā€™m nice to everyone except you.

Or am I? Who knows?

What was that CRich wolfgame on MU he played somewhat recently? Heā€™s currently acting like back when he joined the forums and got pushed as town for the first time. I hate reading into AtE but Iā€™d at least like to verify if he did this as mafia.

Read it all you want.
See if that makes you want my slot dead or not.

Nice to you? Not a chance.