Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

i have several questions

dont know either too well but if i had to wager wazza probably beats you up easy

If it makes you feel better, youā€™re convincing me youā€™re scum and that you using TMI for Eli

Good to know Iā€™m despised by you.
Not that I care.
I prefer that you despise me.

tunnel moment

iā€™m 6ā€™3 but have a twink bod

hey @lol

who are your scumreads and why

Lmfao thatā€™s a joke of a post.
ā€œIā€™d go PKR because PKR is vigbaitā€

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Basically that Mist should shoot me because itā€™s not a surprising choice of shot?

And the ā€œgonna be yeeted eventuallyā€ comment.
Yeah, I probably will if town cannot read me right.
Itā€™s posts like yours that lead to me getting yeeted.
Get your head out of the gutter and get things sorted.

works for me

@Mistyx shoot PKR

i am only half joking

No me

I Probabaly shouldnā€™t live till late game anyways

I now have a read that one of Marshal and Eli are definitely scum

Go for it Mist.
Get rid of me because thatā€™s what people want.
Otherwise Iā€™m going to get mislynched.

Theyā€™d rather you not shoot a wolf :slight_smile:

i think apelsin is a busy wolf and extremely uncomfortable

derp is the lhf wolf

marshal sucks

rest is town or null

PKR, please, youā€™re like CRichard

Shut up.

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yeah ur screwed

Unironically though Iā€™m Probabaly not that bad a shot

yoo Iā€™m 5ā€™6 and overweight, youā€™re going down :sunglasses: