Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Have you seen me before?

which is why iā€™m asking

Well your correct

I mean :stuck_out_tongue:

Mafia roleblocker is likely going to be roleblocking those they suspect as town PRs (self explanatory)

I think that Neopolitan will be investigating people they suspect as PR. But will be used in order to find better targets for the roleblocker.

Since the roleblocker is even night, the Neapolitan N1 might just go for a strong player? As if a strong player has a PR then itā€™s more scary than a weaker or quieter player who might not handle it as well.

In an ideal world we have the Backup or Neapolitan killed first. Simply because forcing Backup to be wasted on Neapolitan is funny and also less scary.

Donā€™t shoot N1 if youā€™re the night vig. Unless youā€™re really damn sure on a wolf and think nobody else would believe you on it.

Doctor, weā€™ll discuss tomorrow.

Neighborizer, go for people you think are town (duh) and that will help you solve. If people donā€™t particularly care about solving then donā€™t add them N1. You could add them N2 (or a suspect N2) in order to grill them a bit with someone else you trust.

Tracker, idk, just think of someone you sus?


i think it started with someone having a gut/toneread on PKR

then people didnā€™t like how he was ATEing (appealing to emotion) like in this post:

(MLā€™ed = mislynched (lynched as town))
tell me if you donā€™t understand what iā€™m saying lol

I understand decently, yeah

why did you feel a need to post this
chloe just said she was glad you didnā€™t come in with the mech talk

Itā€™s almost like thereā€™s a thing calledā€¦ a joke.
Insert surprised pikachu meme here

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iā€™m just going to go into a hole

So basically your saying that they are appealing to emotions or something?

Wait thats exactly what you said I just sound dumb now

you can come into the hole with me

hole time

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Eli responding to hippo not caring to defend himself or do anything to improve peopleā€™s opinions on him makes me feel like heā€™s just town again, If that makes sense? Iā€™m not really confident in this and itll likely change. @EliThePsycho any opinions?

Pkr ateing is not ai. Why are we treating it like it is? I am slightly disturbed by the large wall of mech talk he about just posted though. I was going to talk about how much I dislike it being posted in response right after chloeā€™s post but he stated it was a joke, so nvm.

Arctic u look pockety

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Paranoia methinks

Min youā€™re cute today

Letā€™s be friends


so am i or am i not
donā€™t just back out of the read

what does pockety mean?

Pocketing refers to when a mafia-aligned player buddies up to a town-aligned player in the hopes that this will make said player view the mafia-aligned player favorably. Usually the mafia-aligned player will defend the town player in order to ā€œpocketā€ them.