Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

More of a green tbh? Kinda


ā€¦were you not roleblocked?

It outs doctor not actually

Like mafia will know ur target isnā€™t doc so maybe not

i mean
if you saw someone visiting it has 1/3 chance of being the doctor and 2/3 chance of being a wolf

I didnt see a visit I saw a no visit

Might aswell sit on it imo

if you werenā€™t roleblocked and got results you should out them, that can be used to clear if the backup flips

Iā€™m assuming they know who the doctor is and went for that instead?

Oh shit nvm I might kf bern roleblocked

unless that person is a doctor candidate i guess

not entirely sure who that could be but shrug


thatā€™s a clear then since backup would be doing the nightkill

No reason not to block the tracker unless you know the Doctor and want to kill someone likely to get saved.

no reason to let min get a track off when presumably all 3 wolves would be actioning

I couldā€™ve been occupied I think

arenā€™t you told

Doesnā€™t it say like: You were occupied last night?

I think that wouldā€™ve been a no result, not a no visit?