Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

PKR mafia looks amazing for Eli which is partly why q PKR flip is good imo

no not really if im being honest. vibes and poe

not a case maker, we will see what marshal comes up with

im unhappy that you failed your mission

lol without a doubt has some wackass reads earlier in the game tbh, i need to look at the slot.

Before i do that, gotta do some IRL cleaning, so ill be back on that when i can.

yeah i dont think i had 1 correct that that wasnt stealen from someone else

*correct take

But a PKR mafia flip donā€™t exist :slight_smile:
Which means itā€™s not as good as youā€™re thinking.
And itā€™s a really weak reason (which others have stated before you (so you can sheep it))

U literally only started sussing me after I stopped townreading u lol

Lemme quote ur progression lol

Re-evaluation is a bitch, ainā€™t it?
I also hate to point out the obvious but many many people started sussing me.
Donā€™t try and push my read aside that weakly.

No arctic lol

I cant just ask if I was roleblocked ā€¦

this was you at end of D1 with me at top end of your reads (when I was defending you from Eli)

not even in ur team towards end of D1

then D2 after I started saying you have made such little sense you are probably mafia you come up with this read. and since then you have been saying im mafia but you dont give any other reasons, just stuff like this:

You gave one post where you actually gave decent reasons where I might be mafia:

You saying my last post could be looking like im a wolf trying to save face on you flipping village by saying ā€œlol policyā€ is a decent argument to susp me as wolf. HOWEVER that was post 3473 and you first voiced your suspicoun against me at post 2663 way earlier so that clearly was not the post that made you think im mafia. Literally you only have been saying im mafia since I stopped defending you and all your reasons have been ā€œlol agendaā€. gtfo.

I mean, yall have been attempting to for a while now.
Might get your way today.
Shame youā€™re gonna come under fire tomorrow <3

Iā€™ll just say idk if I was roleblocked but I targeted marshal last night n got no result

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Your townread of me and your scumread of me match up with exactly when I stop defending you and you have given no reasons other than ā€œlol agendaā€ even though it makes no sense for me to suddenly want you hung from me defending you at start of D1.

If I was mafia wanted to hang you as town, being an easy low hanging fruit towny, why would I even defend you when you were doing that dumb ATE stuff at the start of the game. That would have been the perfect way to start put suspcioun on you. Instead I said you always do that and only sussed you when you started doing nothing.

If Iā€™m mafia bussing my mafia pal PKR, I am not going to get much credit for a PKR flip cuz I started pushing him fairly late (after Arctic) and was originally soft-defending him.

Out of all claimers, you would be the one to be blocked.
Alsoā€¦ mafia can only attack 1 person at a time so no reason to believe otherwise.

you can ask if you are told if you were roleblocked

Uhh, i just checked Cards

You will not be informed if you were occupied by mafia role blocker

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You wouldnā€™t have me lynchable D1, wouldnā€™t have happened.
Town arenā€™t that bad.
Sure they MLd Chloe which is impressively bad.
But :man_shrugging: