Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

Quote a post of mine before you said I pushed you in bad faith which demonstrates my bad faith.

This is the first post you said it was bad faith so presumably you saw something I said before this post (2663)

You realize that if you are town it will not prove that you are unreadable or that people are usually wrong about your alignment, just that you purposefully acted wierd this game and mucked stuff up for town to make yourself feel better?

Iā€™m justā€¦ not going to comment on this more than I have to.
Just going to say, kill me, look at my flip and prepare for day 4.
I ainā€™t going to have you try to call myself out like this when Iā€™m not exactly the most emotionally attached person and ā€œtrying to make yourself feel betterā€ feels, very personal. Not a fan of it.

respond to this then

I said that because I canā€™t tell if you are acting smug about dying becaue you are town thinking you will show us all up after your flip, or if you are mafia pretending to act smug so we town read you. It wasnā€™t personal donā€™t worry.

Oh yeah, you have some bits in the 2300s that I remember and perhaps before then too :slight_smile:

Amazing. Could you respond or quote them just so I can see where you are coming from please?

The first quote feels like you were trying to find something off about my vote instead of having any focused on the Chloe wagon. Like you had to defer from there so that yourself and/or teammates were not focused on, but that I was.

The second quote has some progression for you, credit where creditā€™s due. However, this was in response to Marshal saying that Marlā€™s progression on me felt like it was bad for me. You once again try to bring focus to the Ami vote which makes me concerned and it becomes a bit more of a recurring theme.

The third quote I think comes from a non-W/W team between you and Marshal. But it also shows that you pre-planned the push on me which today stands out to me even more.

(I might be able to find stuff before this too or after, idk. But these 3 bits stood out big time)

Do you not think it is normal to say it looks a bit weird you being off the Crich wagon and on Ami who was never you to get hung. Do you understand how I could conceive that as you not wanting to be on the flipped villager wagon as you are mafia?

I can understand it.
However, at the same time I had stated my reads list.
I had also said that I personally wanted Ami to be hanged.
And the Chloe wagon was kinda a more sudden thing when I wasnā€™t around so I didnā€™t have any part in it.

In retrospect since I had provided reads, provided pushes on Ami (not just a vote and nothing else) and not really was able to go onto the main wagon (Which I said was top town for me anyway). Does that not make my ā€˜being on a vanity wagonā€™ more understandable?

I mean i didnt actually read end of D1 cuz I wasnā€™t on then I just looked at the VC

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I guess since you hadnā€™t actually read it, you can see why it stood out to me at a glance.
And that to me if you had read it (which I assumed that you had) then it looked bad.

Iā€™m letting you talk but I havenā€™t changed about my mind about who we should kill.

I reiterate that Hippo is definitely out of wolfrange with his push on PKR right now as well.

I veto the inclusion of people like Eli Hippo and even Derps into the PoE until itā€™s proven that the current one is bad.

Aka after someone in PoE (E.g. Me) flips town?

I agree with this sentiment aswell

Hippoā€™s side of this interaction is pure, and It doent feel like hes pushing agenda imo.

After all of you flip.

Look, we can try to yeet outside the PoE, but the people outside it are likely villagers. I havenā€™t yet seen a coherent argument why someone outside of the current PoE is a wolf, and Iā€™ve evaluated all these people overnight. I will obviously re-evaluate if necessary, but i see no reason to do this now.

Also, the people in PoE are also slots that are number 1 misyeet targets for the wolves, should the PoE indeed be bad. Especially PKR and Blizerā€™s slot, but lol as well. Marshal is a harder sell.

Id say with this, I would re-eval these slots heading into next day no matter what PKR flips as (I think hes town personally, but i dont think i can stop the slot from being yeeted today)

Iā€™ve given all my townreads with reasoning this SoD and the reasoning has not changed. I understand including Derps in the PoE, and I wouldnā€™t even fight it that much, but everyone else is a much harder sell.

Noting that Eliā€™s contributions to this phase have been lackluster, but I still maintain that his ISO as a whole has a density of valuable contributions closer to his towngame than his wolfgame.