Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

I was isoing marshals recent posts

I actually like blizers marshal/Eli theory just cuz both slots have been weird and I wanna be proved right about Eli and they havenā€™t done literally anything. And I havenā€™t seen anything from them that a medium level wolf couldnā€™t easily fake tbh.

If blizer is mafia is PKR more likely town in ur opinion?


This isnā€™t that good a read cuz I think most ppl agree a pkr mafia slip does look good for Eli, thatā€™s just not a marshal thing. And then the rest isnā€™t really evidence more just a theory based on elis alignment.

What teams does blizer slot into if theyā€™re mafia and presumably marshal/eli/PKR are town?

Some combination of you/vulgard/lol/derps

Probably not both derps/vul

can you walk me through atlas v

his posting is fine but i donā€™t rlly remember what youā€™ve said he has going for him that puts him out of this group

So you think bliz advocating for lol death today is a bus?


i forgot he was in the game


havenā€™t done anything today*
iā€™ve been busy
can you blame me


why do u think vul is a wolf
i think a lot of his stuff is near-unfakeable

if pkr is town marshal is probably just a wolf
donā€™t like the way she handled his slot today like blizer pointed out

itā€™s the same thing she did with marl and crich saying that if crich flipped wolf it would clear marl
this time itā€™s pkr flipping wolf to clear eli

would be funny if eli and marshal are actually w/w

iā€™m fine with killing lol today instead of PKR but letā€™s be real, if the game reaches lylo iā€™m pretty sure PKR just dies

misty min

vulgard eli hippo
derps atlas

blizer marshal pkr lol

what stuff

lol or PKR dies today
it is ineviatble

mainly marshal case