Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

im literally not explaining my reads half the time excuse me??
pkr has been fine imo if you want to gwt him out because hes anti town just tell him he is towny he will probably return tbh

are you ok

i mean now that pkrs come up in conversation i expect him to show up soon

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hope it gets better

Marshal sounds like they are overreacting here

the reason why pkr is still probably bad is because he was doing nothing and had nonsense reads before he was even scumread so the idea that heā€™s behaving the way he is out of spite for being misread doesnā€™t hold for the entirety of the game

hold on gotta make a tier list for no reason

my god dude
dont even start
i will eviscerate you

i am just sitting here

heā€™s got a point though :flushed:

oh no a word i have never heard of before this moment


ah just a threat alright

before i go to sleep why do u think vulgard is a wolf

people keep saying heā€™s out of range and i dont get why

plus i think marlā€™s approach to him was fairly partnery

Iā€™ve not seen anyone react like this except richard, who was being stupid. Its like your trying to defend yourself because even the tiniest threat makes you feel off

no he doesnā€™t
heā€™s just repeating your words cuz you seem like a big smart guy

iā€™m not ā€˜overā€™ reacting. Iā€™m reacting in a way I see fit. Itā€™s not ā€˜overā€™ anything. Itā€™s a measured response to some pure tomfoolery that I canā€™t deal with.

you are overreacting

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: