Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

No ones doing that

/vote Wazza

/vote EliThePsycho

/vote wazza


fuck you, wazza

/vote Wazza @Aelin

Just seven more votes quick hammer gogogogogogogoo

Gm guys

Time to reab chloe

Cuz I see some ppl have mixed opinions on her

i am not really interested in having this discussion tbh

weren’t you town in autumn inv

This feels like upick!Arctic
Im a fan of him on a tonal level thusfar

@PokemonKidRyan kinda confused where you get the idea that im being cautious


@Chloe are u low efforting this game? I’d expect more reasoning on some reads from you(I hope this doesnt seem insulting its just the thing that strikes me as odd)

Not all of them but some of them

Maybe it’s because its early game so nvm ugh I’m stupid

Feel free to ignore that

did say she was super out of it


I mean
I did give a disclaimwr that im super out of it

I dont really have a lot to go off of rn but i do indeed have reasonings for all my reads

Which reads do you want more reasoning on

Oh xpost cool

atlas town btw 30 posts is a lot