Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

how much



very cool

I really liked the ā€œhippo TMIing marl town = hippo prob townā€ because itā€™s a nuanced way to take spew reads and itā€™s like you argue ā€œif hippo was mafia would this tmi marl vā€

I thought it was a good read
lolā€™s iso was pepega but I like your posting a relative amount so far

damn bro thats deep i wonder how they arrived at that conclusion seems kinda far fetched

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I think arete/vul w/w isnā€™t rlly out of the question cuz tbh I could see them as partners ā€œoh itā€™s arete and vul letā€™s wolfread each other cuz if weā€™re wrong on the other then itā€™ll look badā€

i thought lol being actively useless was villagery

i think arete and vulgard are wolves
but i also think arete and marshal are partnered if they are wolves
kill arete???

The problem with that is the fact Areteā€™s initial reads were most likely all written pre-replace in. Theyā€™ve been following the game, judging by their posts about that.

were they typed before they saw alignment?

@Arete tagging you

I didnā€™t instantly call Arete mafia because I didnā€™t see their initial posts as AI for that reason.

if thatā€™s the case iā€™m going to have to look harder

if they are a wolf canā€™t they just say no

they actually werenā€™t

some of the reads were influenced by my vague impressions pre-replace in (e.g. I had felt that you were wolfy, I had felt that Marshal was wolfy, I had felt that Hippo was villagery, all of that probably influenced my perspective as I looked through Isos and things) but most of the reasoning was reasoning that I thought of when I was Isoing overnight, post-replace-in


Arete wouldnā€™t make reads without TMI and then lie about it as a tactic, theyā€™re morally above that

i mean yes

this seems kind of inconsistent with the thing where you are now arguing that I am mafia based on my initial posts

i think itā€™s a good tactic