Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

If the lolslot is V, Eli spent the entirety of d2 and d3 tunneling two villagers with no re-eval.

well yes
but actually maybe

also why was PKR V reeee

thatā€™s what we call ā€˜basedā€™

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full readslist with reasoning asap please

doesnt have to be super in depth

ok one sec let me look at the alive players

im gonna have to re-look at eli but idk if my read is gonna change much

Eli has been furniture this game but like itā€™s furniture built at an angle so you canā€™t even use it properly

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I donā€™t think thatā€™s wolfy for him

The real based thing in this game is me asking the town vig to shoot the town neighborizer.

on the other hand this post is kind of yikes


what was the BotF where you had a good wolfgame again

pretty sure it came up earlier in the thread but Iā€™m lazy

the based thing I did was reccomending a vig on derps (mafia universal backup)

ignore any mention i may have had of pkr at that eod

shortnut 3 i think

im feeling derps w more and more but am gonna have to ground myself

i still feel bad for tunneling chloe out of the game with marl

thatā€™s my b

I read that game and I donā€™t find it clearing for his play here.

Me @ Appel.

i also tunnelled chloe most d1 and i literally already cant remember a single thing i thought she did that was sus

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