Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp


Mistyx, do you know who was neighborized n1?

it this

So they claimswapped?

more or less yeah

altho im p sure arctic was neighborized n1
i cant tell if itā€™s been said in thread yet but itā€™s obvious either way so

This is important because whoever was neighborized has higher wolf equity because of Zori dying the night immediately after. You could say ā€œbad PR coverā€ but still she died over Mistyx and over min.

yeh this

if you think arctic is mafia you can vote me and then lock him v for the rest of time. His play today was so utterly villagery that it is impossible for me to consider a world where heā€™s mafia

Iā€™m considering it because weā€™re approaching MyLo and we kinda have to re-evaluate everyone unless we get a wolf today. I currently think itā€™s Blizer + Derps + 1, probably not Arctic, but I have to think about this.

This is a weird post. Obviously no one is actually gonna vote arctic today and you know that. This comes across as hollow.

seems a bit ott

vulgard has been throwing it out quite a bit

heā€™s not dying today but iā€™m letting him know how confident i am on arctic v
obv its over the top lol

Someone has to.

someone has to tinfoil mist too

sheā€™s getting out of control

what if pkr was vig

Mistyx shouldnā€™t be alive, must be mafia.


im not explaining

instead im leaving for like 40m

when im done ill actually read any posts from eli

good work team

the problem with eli is that he sort of just stops doing things after d1

thereā€™s some stuff but it doesnā€™t really do much of anything