Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

a little bit but people are probably gonna ignore it, as will I

:eyes::eyes: :eyes:

:rotating_light: is this a scumslip?? :rotating_light:

(this is a joke)

:eyes::eyes: :eyes:

:rotating_light: is this a joke?? :rotating_light:

(this is a scumslip)

Okay just wondering

That is something to consider quite significantly if Derps is wolf here, thats actually a bad look for Arete if Derps is prone to bussing his wolf buds in that situation

Again Pre-flippy but like, making sure about that

This is where Arete would talk about how your preflip license has been revoked or something.

Does W!Marl have the balls to say this about both of his wolf partners

not reallly

he needlessly busses a lot but i could also see him just going for lol because why not

More than likely

the answer is yes, doesnā€™t matter what follows

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You could say this is a bad push/thoery im throwing onto Arete here

But like if W!Derps does like bus alot

then it is something to consider atleat if Derps flips wolf.

I mean I am actually considering forcing a thunderdome because I think in worlds where we miss today the likeliest outcome tomorrow is ā€˜wolves RB Arctic and kill Mist, Vul and I thunderdome, Arctic who is inexplicably townreading Vulgard and refuses to actually read my posts leads everyone into killing me over Vulā€™

but it feels kind of ?selfish? to force it?

Marshal/Mistyx/Arctic/Hippo always town fmpov
Find 3 wolves in: Arete/Derps/Eli/Atlas/Blizer

Do Eli and Atlas really deserve the ā€œnot great content but content nonethelessā€ pass at this stage of the game or not really?

Because if yes then Arete/Blizer/Derps is the exact team and we should just chain them.

your preflip license has been revoked.

as expected tbh

having seen your attempts at postflip analysis Iā€™m considering revoking your postflip analysis rights as well

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Literally the only question Iā€™ll be asking at this point.

Im pretty sure we can all agree towards a Derp yeet today yeh?

and then go from there i guess in terms of solving


I realize for you itā€™s more like ā€œfind 3 wolves in Arete/Derps/Eli/Atlas/Blizer/Vulā€ but still.

I think atlasā€™s posts today are still pretty good

eli im gonna go with ā€˜noooot reallyā€™ but I still donā€™t really want to go for him before, like, you arete derps or blizer