Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

as you wish fools, your failure has made of me an enemy most foul

your converstaion sucks


how does he know

because iā€™m bout to go to dinner

idk if this is just me but like

Eli feels like a frozen wolf a bit terms of thread/gamestate currently

hes not interacting with the thread at all, and is reluctant to properly give out his full reads onto slots.

Like hes chiming into thread and makes posts

but there is no weight in them at all to me

he is unfortunately always like this

Wait actually

He does this as town or wolf?


i feel like he would be still involved more if he was town here, cause he would atleast care about trying to win here but like hes not doing anything at all

idk, its just the vibe im getting from him currently

Derps pops in, immediately exits after hitting 15 post mark

hes actually like

6 off but close enough

Mate I failed math

i kind of feel the same but then i think town hasnā€™t played great this game as a whole anyway
which is why if we win now itā€™ll feel really great
and even though i kind of want to die, discovering marshal is like always a villager kind of reinvigorated my wim a little
inb4 sheā€™s still not and iā€™ll feel even worse post game
and yes iā€™m pretending i know youā€™re a villager for this post but i think you are anyway

lol said he was going to be pretty much useless from then on
wolves would be fine with killing him here

is it normal to scumread all of areteā€™s posts which include extra unnecessary information in parentheses

would you like examples of village games where I included similar clarifications in parentheses or would that interfere with your current strategy of ā€˜convince yourself Arete is a wolf despite any evidence to the contraryā€™


My pov:

Arete/Derps/Eli - World where both partners of lol decided to bus them at EoD3 for no reason. Yeah, no. Even if itā€™s Derps and Eli, I donā€™t think this happens. They have two village alternatives and still decide to do this? No.

Arete/Derps/Atlas - Viable. The one thing going against it is Arete shrugging at a Derps yeet and Atlas not trying to save or bus lol, at EoD, but Atlas wasnā€™t even there for EoD. Areteā€™s prodding of Atlas and continuously maintaining a townread today can easily be a W/W move. W!Arete treating V!Atlas like this is unlikely, because it deprives them of a misyeet option. V/W and V/V with Arete V in both cases are possible options, but this world assumes Arete mafia. And Derps is a known busser, so w!Derps voting w!lol at EoD3 isnā€™t out of the question at all.

Arete/Derps/Blizer - An interesting world. This world arguably makes the most sense, considering it means two wolves were being wagoned at EoD3, so them choosing to pile on one and bus isnā€™t out of the question. The problem is that Arete is shrugging at a Derps yeet and consistently questioning Blizerā€™s worldview, so much so that itā€™s approaching ā€œoutside of the realm of theaterā€ territory, but. I still think itā€™s a viable world, considering there are points in favor of it.

Arete/Eli/Atlas - Eli busses lol alone for no reason at EoD3 when his thread position is already good regardless, and Atlas does nothing. Lolslot did townread both Eli and Atlas a fair bit and Arete townreads them too, but I still find this unlikely.

Arete/Eli/Blizer - Viable world, except Eli and Blizer bus a more active partner at EoD3 for no reason. I can see Blizer needing the towncred, but not Eli. In general, I just donā€™t see the need for Eli to bus there, whatsoever. He does not need the towncred and he is not being pressured to vote there. At all.

Arete/Atlas/Blizer - I actually find this one viable. Blizer mightā€™ve voted lol without actually thinking it goes over. You can argue ā€œwhy donā€™t you apply this logic to other worlds with Arete and Blizer in themā€ but these other worlds also involve ā€œa partner voting with Blizer for a double bus.ā€ Double bussing the most active wolf on your team seems really counterproductive. ā€œW!Blizer votes w!lol out of desperation, without actually thinking lol will go over, in an effort to make either one of them look better post-flipā€ makes more sense. Especially since Blizer dips right after. Besides, Areteā€™s prodding of Atlas and continuously maintaining a townread can easily be a W/W move. W!Arete treating V!Atlas like this is unlikely, because it deprives them of a misyeet option. V/W and V/V with Arete V in both cases are possible options, but this world assumes Arete mafia.

Derps/Eli/Atlas - They can all do whatever they want with their votes at EoD3. There is nothing to disprove this world other than ā€œI donā€™t think wolves decide to collectively do nothing for the entire game,ā€ but thatā€™s not evidence and is meaningless.

Derps/Eli/Blizer - Blizer avoids scumreading both of them (brief suggestion of w!Marshal shielding w!Eli but quickly removes Eli from the equation), they both avoid voting Blizer at EoD3, none of them seem super interested in solving each other. Blizer could be called an exception, but even he brought up a theory of ā€œDerps V, Marshal Wā€ today. I even questioned it and called it W/W, and he was like ā€œpossible but I think W/V.ā€ So, basically, I could 100% see this being the world. The one thing that gives me pause is Ami (Blizerā€™s predecessor) randomly popping in and voting Eli, which would be Amiā€™s partner in this world, but itā€™s not clearing. That said, Eli had some chances of going over at the time, soā€¦ maybe thatā€™s what disproves this world?

Derps/Atlas/Blizer - Much of the same as above, except Atlas straight up does not vote at all. Actually more likely than the Derps/Eli/Blizer world, because the ā€œwhy would Ami rando vote Eli when Eli had a chance of going over, however smallā€ argument doesnā€™t even apply here, since Eliā€™s a villager in this world.

Eli/Atlas/Blizer - Almost identical case to Derps/Eli/Blizer. I could see Eli voting with his partner to save his partner, itā€™s not hard. The ā€œwhy would Ami vote for Eli of all people instead of a villager if Ami wasnā€™t planning to do anything of noteā€ argument exists as well.

Worlds that arenā€™t real imo:


Plausible but somewhat unlikely fmpov:

Arete/Derps/Blizer (possibility for it being real: Arete is bussing Derps and hard distancing with Blizer)
Arete/Derps/Atlas (possibility for it being real: Arete is bussing Derps)

Fewest things that make it unlikely fmpov:

Arete/Atlas/Blizer (possibility for it being wrong: Arete is questioning Blizer more than any other player today, minus Vul)
Derps/Eli/Atlas (possibility for it being wrong: they have done nothing)
Derps/Eli/Blizer (possibility for it being wrong: Ami randomly voted Eli at a rare time when he still couldā€™ve gone over in theory)
Eli/Atlas/Blizer (possibility for it being wrong: Ami randomly voted Eli at a rare time when he still couldā€™ve gone over in theory)

A world for which Iā€™ve found no contrary evidence:


Note about Arete ā€œbussing Derpsā€ - Arete is still prioritizing pushing me for the most part, over Derps. And/or Blizer sometimes.

yes i would

i havenā€™t seen any convincing evidence to the contrary and no one has really provided me with any