Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

ftr I think the thread’s reaction to my and Vul’s reads on each other spews us as not V/V (and therefore him as a wolf FMPoV)

I think if he were a villager (who had previously claimed that if I ever flipped town he was wolfclaiming), with me declaring him 98 percent wolf and insisting that I will bet the game on him being scum, with us widely believed to be good at reading each other, at least one wolf would have taken the line of ‘this is never V/V, just kill [one of them], if V we can get the other one tomorrow’ which is something that a couple people have insinuated but no one has outright stated

Im locking hippo v until like maybe f3 if someone feels spicy (but also because this game is cringe and votes are locked in mylo it’d be f4, I also don’t particularly expect to be in a final 3 or 4)

I dont think we ever win if he’s wolf and if he is he’s so wildly broken what his wolf meta is that I don’t think I ever get there, much less convince everyone as well

tbh I have no idea who the third wolf is after Vul (almost certainly a wolf) and Derps (probably a wolf) because after that I have some level of reason to think that everyone else is town

I’ve mostly been hoping that it’ll be more obvious once we have some more dead wolves

derps is 97% mafia in my eyes, his posting as a reaction to mine is so utterly CAP that i struggle to see how he can be villager here. He’s saying that i’m pushing agenda on him as a ml yadda yadda but has shown no urgency at the fact that i’m in towncore, just flatly saying that i’m mafia. He has also not commented on… any other people’s alignments which makes me think he’s in antispew and trying to take a “oh a wolf would know marshal isn’t a ML, so him pushing for marshal is townie” while also giving nothing.

(He should also have absolutely known I was town since day 1 and completely locked it in today but i’m not going to completely base the read off of that because it’s weird soulread shenanigans that don’t help anyone)


I think Derps is like 60 percent Mafia and Vul is like 98 percent Mafia, I’m not particularly scared of the world where Derps is a wolf because even if he gets voted out and everyone is like ‘clearly the only possible reason Arete could have been pushing Vul over him is that they’re W/W with Derps, even though Vul hasn’t flipped yet’ then you still have time to go Arete → Vulgard → F4 whereas if he gets voted out and flips town then I’m somewhat scared that people (where by people I mostly mean Arctic) are going to be like ‘welp, guess it’s time to kill Arete now! :)’ and we’ll lose

realistically with this village’s collective tendencies with associatives Derps’s flip is going to be used as evidence against me regardless of what it is, which is fun :upside_down_face:

One of vulgard and arete are prooooooooooobably mafia, i guess

both are individually kinda villagery, not as villagery as either of them say they are but they also both have posts that i’d find realistically pretty hard for them to fake (and before you say it arete, I know you read vul differently than I do but I still do think that a lot of his posts have pretty nuanced thought processes and better than what i can find from countries).

But I don’t really see worlds where they’re v/v, I do agree with arete on the “nobody’s initating dome between them” and also arete has like a perfect track record being vul (well besides HARUKA IS LOCK VILLAGER :joy_cat: ).

GTH it’s vul if one of them is mafia (assuming derps is wolf) because arete is sort of full on locking in a straight up wolfread on vul whereas vul is kind of taking a weird dance-around approach where he’s solving by PoE and not really directly commenting on arete or arete’s read. I know he’s, like, responded to stuff on it but he hasn’t really done much as far as specifically pushing arete and has advocated for a few slots before them)

This changes if derps is v but I strongly doubt that, because my soulread is better and cooler

alright eli time

im sure reading this iso for the 50th time will get me somewhere different and get me a deeper understanding of his slot :slight_smile:

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is it reading too much into it to say eli is avoiding calling vul wolfy and the thunderdome wolfy and instead saying ‘dumb’

I want an answer from someone

i feel like it is

well I’m not sure if you’re trying to connect the first half of this sentence to the latter half but the second half was about the Marl/Chloe thunderdome rather than the me/Vul thunderdome

not connected, all of this is from d1

/vote Vulgard @Aelin

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hi misty

why this

ok then

ok well

I would like to not be tired for EoD so I am sleeping soon

get your last minute questions in

What do you think about the galactic government

aliens are cool I guess

im not going to be making EoD


I have a thought for you to entertain re:Eli which is approximately ‘if Eli is Mafia what does that imply about the game’

not in the sense of like ‘oh X player defended Eli which is wolfy!’ or whatever but like, if Eli is mafia then he’s playing way outside of his meta, what sort of things would need to be true to cause that to happen

I think he could just want to break his meta hardcore. I don’t really think that’s something his scummates can do too much to help, I think it’d have to come from him.

If you’re implying he is coached (which is possible if he’s wolf ftr but I don’t think it would help too much, I think it’d only be encouragement) I don’t think that means a ton about his team cuz, like, they had marl and afaik marl talks/hypes in scumchat so I don’t think it points out any specific person that could be helping or coaching him