Rwby fm - wolves win! at least it wasnt a ******* scumstomp

You somehow turned me claiming “it makes more sense for me to defend w!Eli rather than v!Eli because it tightens the PoE and makes the game harder for me to win” into “wolves don’t just townread partners.”

You’re also latching onto my worse posts every single time you call me mafia, and you being so selective is another thing that makes me scumread you. Despite your case, you don’t come across as someone looking at the whole board.

The lack of engagement with my content is another thing, but I’ve come to expect it, given how often I get ignored in general.

If you are town, I’m pretty sure I know why you’re playing like this, but if that’s the reason, we’ll need to talk postgame. My idea doesn’t have anything to do with the game itself.

If I find one more villager in Arete/Derps/Atlas/Blizer today (which I doubt, but I will try), I’m okay with getting yeeted – as long as you listen to what I’m saying after you see my green flip. …I hope you will. Apoc moment.

Atlas ISO

I think Atlas is Derps’s puppet account.

I don’t see takes like these as clearing. Given their experience level claimed here:

Atlas later says they’ve been playing Untrusted for 4 months. The players who talk more in games like these are often just town, >>>rand. Therefore, writing a take like this in this game isn’t necessarily a town mindset. Rather, it’s a learned mindset and Atlas could’ve done it as either alignment.

I don’t want to be that guy, but you know how it looks right now. No, I don’t think Atlas is mafia based on this alone.

I like this string of posts a fair bit. The thinking isn’t too advanced, but the points brought up sound like Atlas believes in them.

My problem is Atlas’s pursuit of scumreads; there isn’t one. There are some votes cast, but no real pushes. And while it’s unlikely for new players to spearhead a push, even if they scumread the person, it’s still something that struck me as noteworthy.

This is also a belief one is likely to hold if they’ve played stuff like Secret Hitler and ToS before. Not alignment indicative with that in mind.

Looks like a genuine thought.

That is a pretty damn pure towncore. Now I’m wondering how likely it is for a somewhat new wolf to make their towncore pure.

Unless you think Eli’s mafia, but.

The bolded take is weird, because it looks like TMI. That said, this would be a very odd manifestation of TMI, to the point of being unbelievable. Therefore I choose to believe this isn’t TMI.

The progression on lol looks like a genuine thought process to me. I find it very, very unlikely that a wolf at Atlas’s experience level would push lol for 2 days, then notice min’s tracker claim, and switch the read on lol because lol had worked with the tracker before they claimed. Now, I’m not saying the read switch is correct – in fact, it’s likely wrong – but the thought Atlas presents here is something I struggle to envision coming from a wolf. You could assume stuff like W/W with lol and trying to clear lol with an excuse, but the ‘excuse’ is creative and unorthodox enough I’m willing to still call it towny. Also, Atlas continues to have a rather pure towncore. While Eli can be mafia in theory, Atlas also insists on townreading them a fair bit, to the point it comes from genuine belief in my book.

This is a silly read but I find it a little unlikely Atlas would have this thought at all as a wolf.

Hot take: I think this is towny. Wolves don’t openly talk about optimal wolf nightplans. Especially not wolves with Atlas’s experience level. Atlas is more likely to have said this because they thought it was helpful.

Genuine thought, again, in my book. Alignment indicative? You could argue “no,” but for this case I argue “yes.”

Good observations about Amislot. Somewhat basic, but alright. The slot wasn’t under much scrutiny at the time, iirc, because of BlueLance’s VT claim.

I was going to point out the lack of interest in PKR throughout d3 on Atlas’s side. I thought it was a bad look, because Atlas lacked the analytical mindset for a while in these posts. But then he zeroes in on Marshal. I like the confidence and the fact Atlas tries to support their claims. Again, the read is wrong, but the mindset is towny to me.

I don’t like this, much like everyone else, but I can see the town mindset here being “paranoia and suspicion.”


Still think it’s a towny approach to Marshal despite it being wrong.

Conclusion: if Atlas is a wolf, they’ve played well for someone at their experience level, because I don’t see anything that looks like agenda, nor do I see many aspects that fall into “known wolftells” category. Based on what I remember from the other three PoE players, thinking Atlas might just be town here.

Will examine the other three later.

My biggest problem is the lack of a pursuit of scumreads. There’s also wavering investment and inclination to make reads as the game goes on. The longer the game goes, the fewer takes they offer. What they do offer, though, I usually don’t have problems with, and I even townread it.

Derps ISO

Derps ISO doesn’t have anything I haven’t said before. Low on content. Has a push on Marshal but the push never comes to fruition. No other real pushes in a gamestate where the village is on the ropes.

Also, he does this day 1, which looks like wolf WIFOM - rather than town who genuinely doesn’t want to be in the game. His day 1 is by far his “best” day for the mere reason he’s giving takes. I doubt he’d want to get shot that night as town, since his investment is still decent then. “But why would he want to get shot as mafia?” Wifom. It’s Derps.

Oh yeah, there was a PKR push.


…“PKR’s content is underwhelming, he’s mafia.” “I haven’t read PKR’s content.” “The content I did read makes him town to me.”

Look at these thoughts in succession.

Derps made a fake read and forgot about it. That’s the simplest and most logical explanation. This is an utterly baffling thought process to come from a villager. The first post implies familiarity with PKR’s content, the second implies a lack of familiarity, implying the first read was a lie. And it doesn’t look like a reaction test, either. Him forgetting about the first post is 100% possible considering the posts are 17 hours apart.

He’s done nothing to convince anyone of this in his entire ISO. He’s just been saying Marshal is wolfy for a few reasons, but never actually strived to make the wagon happen.

He should be trying to do that especially hard right now, considering Marshal is towncored. If he’s against that, he should fight it. He’s not fighting it.

Conclusion is mostly the same. Found one more thing that damns Derps, that being his progression on PKR.

Not to mention, Derps’s “posting” today looks like antispew.

vulgard is an obvious villager
wake up liberals

these posts are in bad faith


by yes i mean no

What if mafia neopolitan found who doctor was and Marshal just saying she knew from start cuz when she reread arctic afer she knew he was pr she saw a bunch of softs

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Cuz outting doc for no reason other than to make urself look towny is p sus

it’s possible but her knowing on d1 explains why she randomly said i was town out of nowhere without giving any reasons

Yeah I know but it could always be a coincidence. Imagine after mafia found the doc they all reread their thoughts on you. Chances are one of the three cld have said something about you to be construed as knowing you were a PR.

Idk it’s just I dont see why a villager ever outs the doctor in thread.

Like I get it’s a bit tinfoily and we shouldn’t hang them today but I still dk if they’re town.

I think Marshal’s been towny enough outside of that as well.
Disregard the fact I scumread her earlier.

If it is marshal post game everyone has to give me 10 robux

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But I’m not pushing them to die today